Harià's fleeing from Cheliax. The alarm has gone off, and perhaps all the other Badgers are dead.
Indeed not; you couldn't reach this place with an ordinary Teleport at all, even if you were an archmage, but she's here anyway.
She's in a forest. It is not yet obviously not a forest in Cheliax. It's a pleasant, moonlit night.
She's almost out of spells, is the thing. Her little spellbook hangs from a leather holster over her shoulders- but if there's trees, there's dirt, and if there's dirt, you can burrow. And in many places, and in many times, lairs has been...safety.
She looks quickly around for a suitable place.
Harià digs down into the soft earth, her claws, glistening with a permanent spell, opening up a little burrow in the earth.
It looks cozy. She beds down to rest.
And a little while after sunrise, Fluttershy heads into the forest to make her daily check on the animals there. She notices the new burrow and sticks her muzzle into the entrance. "Oh, hello new friend!" she calls. "Where did you come from?"
An Entity!, Haria thinks. "Hello Entity! I had a Teleportation Accident. It so Happened that I was reading a Scroll, and it turned out to Go Wrong!"
Fluttershy's putative new friend has empty eyesockets, with bright arcane sparks glowing inside them, and very scraggly, but well-brushed teeth.
She pulls her head back from the opening of the burrow, partly so that Harià can exit but mostly in surprise. She can communicate with most creatures, but their responses aren't usually so—verbal—and she was definitely not expecting Harià to describe an accident with a spell that, as far as she knows, only four ponies in Equestria can cast.
Nonetheless, the poor creature is probably lost and terrified. "Oh no," she says. "Do you need help getting home? I don't know very much about magic, but Twilight does."
(She barely notices the empty eyesockets or the various other indicators that Harià is biologically dead.)
"I shouldn't Go Home, but Other Destinations may well Beckon!" She pokes her nose out of the lair and looks rather doubtfully at the bright light filtering though the branches above.
"I am called Harià. Wizard, Badger, Undying. What is Your Name and Type if I might Ask?
The sun burns Harià.
Not very much; with only her nose poking out into the light she won't feel it at all through her innate resistance to damage, but as she emerges further it will definitely become noticeable. She is well shielded, and third circle, and Equestria's sun will not kill her as quickly as it heals the living creatures on which it shines. But it will, if she stays in it even a few minutes, kill her nonetheless.
"I am from Cheliax, in Golarion, in Avistan" She pauses, and looks at her interlocutor. "In Pharasma's Creation."
"Where is this?"
“You’re near the edge of the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville. In Equestria. Who is ‘Pharasma’?”
Harià peeks out a bit further from her burrow.
"She Created My Universe, or So I Hear. What is the Name of This Planet and Sun? Ours is Mataras, but I can tell This is not the Same One, as This one Stings a bit"
“I don’t know what a ‘planet’ is…the sun shouldn’t hurt you. Celestia’s sun is supposed to heal all creatures…”
“I’m going to go get my friend Twilight. She knows a lot more about magic and faraway places than I do.”
"A Magic Expert is Always Good! In the Meantime I will Prepare some Spells!"
Haria pulls in her nose.
This one is purple and has a horn as well as wings. “Hi!” she says, poking her muzzle into Harià’s burrow. “Fluttershy says that you’re a wizard. I haven’t met a badger that could do magic before.”
She withdraws her head and turns to her friend as soon as she gets a look at Harià herself.
“… Fluttershy, this badger is dead.”
Her voice lowers. “There’s dark magic that can reanimate a corpse and make it appear to be alive, but it isn’t actually alive. This…hasn’t been seen in Equestria in a thousand years. A lot of books think it’s a myth, but it isn’t. If someone’s using it again, even just on badgers, that’s…very bad.”
"Your Books are Somewhat Right! It is True that I am an Undying Lady Badger! But While there are in certain Places some Unfair Predjudice against The Undying, the Modern Up-to Date Badger does not Fear such Things. I Imagine it is the Same for Your Kind!"
She pauses. "At any Rate I am not From this Solar System."
… while she’s pretty sure that she’s not Unfairly Prejudiced against unlife and that it is, rather, just actually a horrifying abomination, the fact that this particular abomination can speak in complete sentences and has not, yet, attempted to do harm to anypony here is enough for her not to immediately put it down.
“How…did you get here?” She’s not sure what a ‘solar system’ is but the obvious interpretation is that Harià is claiming to be from somewhere so far away that it’s not under Celestia’s sun. “And how were you made, uh, ‘undying’?”
"My Friend Eriape had given me a Teleport Scroll, which I Read! Only too late did I Realize The Scroll had been Substituted by some Hostile or Well-Meaning Force! And instead of Teleporting to my Desired Destination, I appeared in the Forest Above."
"Then when I arrived I Dug this Hole to Rest in. It was not Here Before."
"... Fluttershy, why don't we go check on some of your other friends," Twilight suggests, and then, as soon as they're out of Harià's earshot—
"Don't get attached to her. She seems innocent enough right now, but unliving creatures—aren't. They can't feel love or empathy, and a lot of them are actually in horrible pain all the time. I'm going to ask the Princess before I do anything, but we're probably going to have to..." She doesn't want to actually say it.