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"Lead us not into temptation, but show us where temptation is, and we will find it."
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Oh, he's lovely. Raine kneels over him, puts her hands on his shoulders. 

"Gorgeous," she whispers, and kisses him — someday her hair will fall down over their faces when she does this — "my gorgeous thing. Be quiet." 


He's so quiet and good and he looks up at Raine worshipfully. 


Skirts are so much easier for this but she'll manage; she lifts up on her knees to pull her jeans and underwear down, does the same to Asher, wraps a hand around them both. 

"My good boy," she whispers. 


He's supposed to be quiet so he tries to say everything he's thinking through his eyes. 

Sometimes a little whimper escapes anyway.


She starts off slow, bites off whimpers and little moans, lets herself gasp — kisses Asher again, moves her hand faster —


Asher wants (a hand on his throat teeth on his skin to be cut to be ripped apart)-- something. He's not sure what he wants. 

Fortunately he has to be quiet so he couldn't ask for it even if he wanted to.


Raine puts her other hand on his throat and bites his lip and moves faster, rocks her hips so she can get more friction, swallows down a moan —


Oh that's really good.

(He didn't actually know it could be this good.)

It takes all of his self-control not to gasp.


Raine's teeth close on Asher's lip when she comes; her hand tightens on his neck, her hips stutter and she fights to keep herself quiet. 


Oh, that's-- that's--

He can't stop himself from moaning a little bit.


That's okay. 

Raine keeps biting, twists her wrist the way Asher liked a few nights ago, presses down on his throat. 


He finds himself thinking she's biting me because I moaned and she told me not to and then he's suddenly coming.


Raine keeps kissing him through it, and then pulls back and murmurs, "my good boy." 


"You're so beautiful."


"So are you." 


"I think this is maybe not my parents were hoping for when they thought I might get a girlfriend at ex-gay camp."


"I don't think it's what mine were hoping for either when they wanted me to be straight and do my gender right." 


"--You're the second person I've ever had sex with."


"You're... I think the sixth? I don't really keep track." 


"That's-- kind of a lot."


She shrugs. "I'm kind of slutty, this isn't news." 


"Is it bad if that's kind of hot."


"It's not bad at all." She leans down to kiss Asher's forehead. "I like how into me you are. —I'm going to go grab some paper towels, be right back." 


When she gets back Asher kisses her. "Thirty seconds is too long to go without kisses."



She wipes Asher's stomach clean and then they can cuddle on the floor of this shower stall.

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