Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"Yunalesca was the one who invented the religion. She taught us how to do a pilgrimage and summon the Final Aeon... And I can't believe a thousand years of the church does not know this."
"Okay, revision to my previous statement: it's possible that not every single member of the church is a terrible, horrible human being." Pause. "But."
"More-or-less. The status is fuzzier, there. You're technically, ah, 'mine,' in a certain sense. I'm responsible for you."
"So then I left Sin – did I mention that? Through the sphere of light, came out the side again as… sort of… expected… and then I managed to find other-Zanarkand."
"Nope. That one had a bunch of replayed scenarios of summoners and guardians, instead, was lots of fun."
"Kay, sure, next time I'll just say 'oh yeah I'll get to that in a bit'." Eyeroll. "So there was other-Zanarkand and there were lots of people and it was… very large and technologically advanced."
"… People were missing. Anyone I knew from there wasn't – like, nobody knew about you, at all?"
"I mean there seemed to be a suspicious lack of knowledge of you or your father or the recent attack or anything."