Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"… So I got through the forcefield, it wasn't indestructible, and managed to dig through Sin's hide. Was trying to just damage it, ended up in some weird world-thing, on the inside."
"It looked huge, it did not appear to have walls, the place I broke through Sin's hide or whatever seemed to be a hovering shiny ball, and this whole place was… huge and cloudy and pyreflies were everywhere."
Auron... looks suddenly comforted by this. If his facial expressions can be interpreted like that.
"I mean, I could hazard some guesses," says Theo, looking at Kaede and then holding his gaze for slightly longer than perhaps necessary, "but I can think of reasons against them so no, not really sure on anything I'm afraid."
"And then I explored a bit and there was a weird spatial distortion effect thing, but I got to some temple steps and at the top of them: was not a temple!"
"City! Weird city that looked sort of like I was walking through someone's… dream-idea of a city, sort of had a central point and a person there, it was all very weird."
"So there was a disappearing guardian," says Theo. "Who was there, in the middle of the city, and was – actually a guardian of your father's." Pause. "And Tidus's dad."