Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
And soon enough they reach Guadosalam.
Kaede stops at the entrance into the tree, looking up at it. "Wow that's big. I mean I knew it was big, but, you know, I was small when I last visited this, and it's still really big."
As they do, a guado man approaches the party. "We have been expecting you, Lord Kaede. Welcome to Guadosalam. This way, my lord, this way," he says, reaching to take Kaede's hand.
"Oh, I beg your pardon. I am called Tromell Guado. I am in the direct service of our leader, the great Seymour Guado. Lord Seymour has very important business with Lord Kaede."
"Yeah, nah. My guardians and I have things to discuss, we can talk to Maester Seymour afterwards."
"Then whatever he wants to say to me isn't that important, now, is it? If he wants to see me, he can wait in line, I'll talk to him once I sort out the mess I got myself into."
"Mmhm, and we should find somewhere at least partially private where we can have ourselves a chat, why don't we?"
And if there were any partially private spaces the last time Theo was here he'll probably lead them there.
Yup! They are led to a somewhat wide wood bridge that's unique in that it doesn't have any bark houses or structures surrounding it nor anything of interest on it. It's just an unusually wide passage.
Kaede sits on the... floor... and looks at Theo and Rikku. "So, who wants to start?"
"Anyway! Who wants to spill the beans first! I think Rikku should do it first since she actually tried to kidnap me."
"It's—I—look, Kaede will die, you know? If he goes through with it, every summoner who goes through with it will die and for what? So Sin disappears for a few years?"