Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
So they get on the chocobos and start north.
(And no one seems to bat an eye at Theo's new shirtlessness.)
Progress is much faster by chocobo. They don't reach 80km/h but they're not racing chocobos, anyway.
At one point, Auron hangs back a little and says, "Hey you," looking at Theo.
"If you find it," he continues, "you must not let that stop Kaede from killing Sin."
Pause. "… I am not sure why these two things link up. Why do these two things link up."
"Will it be clear why these things link up when I find it? Because if not, I have no idea why you chose to mention this."
"You'll see."
He pushes his chocobo forward, to meet up with the rest of the party.
She looks at Auron and says, "And does he realise that him saying this kind of thing makes me doubt more and more the wisdom of killing Sin?"
Theo shrugs. "Makes me wonder why finding this place would have any bearing on wanting to kill Sin, too."
"I mean, if I honestly expected you would rather not know – which I'm inclined to think is not going to be the case – then I probably wouldn't tell you, but I expect you'll want to know." Shrug. "If there would somehow be magical repercussions to me telling you and I don't think they'll be offset by the benefit from you knowing, I probably won't, but I expect I will."
"Well, if that's the case can you at least tell me as much as possible about the reasons why you can't tell me?"