Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"I think we actually got sidetracked and never discussed how you could get one. It usually comes pre-enchanted in clothes and stuff."
"What sorts of protections can I have on it? Like, I'm assuming that if I get engulfed in flames there's no guarantee the items inside will stay fine, and likewise for if I engage some gigantic monster again?"
"Fireproofing it is fairly trivial, actually, as is protecting clothes from the regular wear and tear of battle."
"I did," he agrees. "Is there a way to somehow – I don't know, do you have pocket dimensions that can be attached to from multiple locations? Because if the entrance could break if there's hazardous environment, but you have a backup entrance somewhere, that could keep stuff safe and be relatively fail-safe?"
"If the structure is too badly damaged, the fold is undone and the contents are released."
"I'm not sure long-range teleportation is actually feasible, though, given the mana costs."
"You can... resurrect someone who died of old age... but they'll die immediately. You can't heal those kinds of wounds."
"Well that's inconvenient," says Theo. "Theoretical limit or is this probably a mana thing?"
"Theoretical limit of the current healing spells. They don't recognise ageing as damage."
"I don't. And given Sin it's—not exactly been a priority for the past thousand years."