Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"By magical attacks or all attacks? I could go walk through lightning again anyway, yay."
"Both. Whenever we walk, or use magic, or exert ourselves in any way, it helps, but I'm not sure how that interacts with you using your magic."
"Here you go, you could get beat up by wolves if you want," he says, gesturing ahead.
"That does not particularly sound like fun. I could just try exerting myself by flying?"
Rikku and Tidus continue having the occasional conversation, but this is clearly not going like the Al Bhed girl planned. Kaede pretends obliviousness, and even eventually chats with her, as if nothing was amiss.
What attempted kidnapping, nope, they're not talking about it because Kaede's sure there's a very good reason why his cousin decided to try to do that or why Auron decided not to tell whatever it is Theo now knew.
"—oh, yeah, I do." And here's Theo's phone, produced out of who knows where. "Thank you for the loan."
He takes it. "Thank you for keeping it safe, coincidentally. – Oh, I don't remember what you actually said when I asked about one of those space pocket things? Because it might be convenient to have one."