Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"Any distinguishing features about the temple, ones I might be able to spot from the air?"
"Sunken? It didn't really look like a temple from the outside, it was just a bunch of ruins far away from anywhere in the middle of the ocean."
"Oh, okay. I was thinking of going and looking for it, is all, seeing if I can make any progress between now and… sometime when we meet up later?"
"I keep hoping he'll for once give me information, like 'you'll get shot out of the sky' or 'it's invisible' or, like, even magic, I'd accept just magic as at least some more information."
She eyes Auron. "It's somewhere. We can't reach it because Sin won't let us. Sin sometimes disappears for weeks, even months, and who knows where it goes. Sin attacked the other Zanarkand, and Tidus ended up here." She looks at Theo. "And you're indestructible."
"That's true, and I'm also able to fly, and still have no idea of the capabilities Sin has! Does it have ranged attacks?"
"Oh, that might be annoying if I encounter it – but it shouldn't be able to do me much harm, overall, and if it tries to attack me I can try to trap it in a box."
"Gravity magic's sustained, not even Sin can keep you in a gravity well forever—although it might look like it from your point of view."
"If it looks like the outside world is moving slowly to me – or if it looks black, depending on the dilation and how it interacts – I should just be able to change my body's shape to get progressively further out of it. Plus it might just mean I can put it in a box more quickly."
"Thanks," he smiles. "So I can just go fly out ocean-wards and check in a really badly-done search pattern to try to find it, and probably sink a bunch of time into that and maybe not find it, so… plans for when we should meet up assuming I fail to find it?"
"To find the other Zanarkand. I'm thinking—it must know where it is, and maybe visit sometimes. And even if it doesn't, if you follow it you might find out where it goes when it's not attacking and that'd be information enough."
Nod. "Any easy ways to find it? I'm not sure how well I'll be able to do 'fly in the air and spot the recent destruction'…"
"Yes, with the Al Bhed's cursed machina."
And presently the girl has returned with six chocobos.