Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
He'll clear a path through the fog and he'll make it rain alkali on the annoying fiends. Fortunate that he has more to use here.
Is the fog too thick to tell? Or is this place somehow screwed with in the day-night department?
If there are still a bunch of fiends around and it's still being all lightning-y, he'll keep walking for another hour or two.
He's gonna risk getting struck by lightning.
He gets rid of the makeshift insulator and spreads out his wings, then flies off.
He will try doing that. The cold continues to be not a huge issue for him, and he continues to try to sink and-or alkali the fiends.
Then he will get singed and he will be slightly pissed off but he won't waste more effort on the stupid sunk fiend, instead opting to heal himself.
Well he has no idea what to do about this. He can't really go back the way he came, it'll probably take just as long unless there's weird magic making it impossible to go this way, so. He keeps going.