Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
He thinks he will skip the city and continue south. Hopefully there are plains visible past the Woods.
Is it really heavy fog? How feasible is it for him to just fly up, get to a place where it's thinner?
It would make sense for this to be the Thunder Plains, wouldn't it.
Gosh. Exciting.
He wonders what it's like to be struck by lightning. He hopes he doesn't have to find out.
Perhaps! Oh that one was very close. Like, ten metres away close.
And there's a floating triangular mask making its way towards him now.
He can fucking dodge the lightning field next fucking time he gets near it then can't he and fucking Faraday cage and plastic probably works thank you very much.
Unfortunately he can't really – fly with a makeshift lightning protection suit. But he can't fly with fiend attacks, either, so he'll just have to cope.
He will attempt to sink them into soil and he will try to clear the fog away from his face.
If it turns out to be magical, he's pretty sure he can make wind and move it around.