Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
Sure, feel free to do that, but then Theo will shake himself out of it and he's moving quite quickly and then he pulls up and tries to get away.
Any convenient obstacles he can dodge around to get out the way?
Yes. Perhaps he should have. Maybe he will, once he gets away from the thing, and in the meantime, alkali. (Slowly.)
Theo might try using some more dangerous chemicals – he's heard fluorine is disgusting and there are various compounds that make it worse – but he is not that desperate to get rid of it and also kill off the local wildlife so he currently opts not to.
Hopefully the local area can deal with alkali. Hopefully not too much is dropping on it. Okay, well, it's probably gonna end up killing the local area anyway, but at least it won't set it on fire, whatever.
Well. He'd rather not blow up the snow, but alkali on the snow shouldn't be too bad.
Theo continues flying.
Then he can follow the road from above and not get attacked by any fiends on the ground. Hopefully.
He wishes flying were more fun.
Does the sphere look like it might have pyreflies in if he goes up close to it? Does it do anything if he pokes it?