Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
Does the sphere look like it might have pyreflies in if he goes up close to it? Does it do anything if he pokes it?
There doesn't happen to be a convenient platform around the floating ball of water, does there? No? Okay, well, he'll make a small one to stand on unless there are any objections.
He is, of course, going to complain to management about such a dreadful oversight.
And with the platform produced, he sticks just his head into the water. Are the faces visible now or does he need to get into the water more for that to work?
Does anything happen if he tries waving at them other than more tingling.
He might go try talking to the statues or something. Since, possibly fayths. Or something. He really doesn't know enough about everything, he arrived like five days ago and only had two of those with people who knew stuff.
Well he's probably not gonna get any information out of them.
He gets rid of his platform and goes over to some of the statues.
"I'm a guardian of a summoner. Not sure if you're regular statues or magic but there are faces in the water, so I'm guessing magic."