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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Ah, yes. To both things." Hug!


Sure, hug. Slightly awkward hug by sheer awkwardness-inertia until he thinks about it for half a second and returns it.


"Say, toss out some of your future-fiction and adventure type book titles? What's the most interesting stuff?"


"Oh, I quite like the Vorkosigan Saga, but that one wouldn't be produced here because you guys don't have space..." And she tells him about it in broad strokes. "If Miles Vorkosigan were real," she concludes, "I could definitely have mated on him."


"Oh, I have got to hear more about this guy. Maybe we can imitate him. The deformity thing, Fortuna knows, that must make it ten times harder."


"I could recite you the books, the series was one which I reread after turning. The author's still writing stuff, though, when I finally decide to visit home again I should find a way to get books from there to here and vice-versa."


"Didn't you say something about an 'internet' yesterday?"


"Yeah! Getting one through that one door will be tricky. Not by any means impossible, though."


"Or just build one here. Something to look forward to."


"Because we have so little to look forward to already."


Okay is Sadde trying to get Terel to kiss her? Because that's what happens.


Well she wasn't trying but she can't say she's disappointed in the results.


It could go on for a little while! But he doesn't want to have sex right here, so not forever.


"Do explain how in the abyss Miles Vorkosigan bluffed his way from one cargo ship to mercenary admiral, that sounds epic."


Well she can do just that.

It is pretty epic.


He laughs at the appropriate places. "Yeah, that guy sounds pretty great."


"Sometimes I feel like he could afford to think twice before doing things but, yep."


"Hmm, yeah, but that's the whole action-hero thing. He does it now and it works. Even when it doesn't it, it was the best shot he had at the time."


"Oh no it really wasn't—" And she tells him about Sergeant Bothari and Elena's mother, and then that time with the seizures, "and overall Bujold does a splendid job of showing her hero ducking things up majorly in preventable ways, it's part of the character and it's great."


"Good reason to be more careful than him. As exciting as a running battle on stolen ships over the void would be, it doesn't sound particularly safe."


"Yeah, in general he's a tactical mastermind and good at thinking on his feet, but perhaps he could do with some more, mm, thoughtfulness."


"Handy guy to have around if there's someone to take care of the nuts and bolts behind him, I guess?"


"Pretty much, yeah."


"Speaking of nuts and bolts though, when you're done with that copyover, any objection to me showing Professor Kale, he teaches golem architecture, and saying we both worked on it?"


"Sure, why not?"


While Sadde finishes the memory golem he starts drafting a report on it and sorta-lecturing on other improvable aspects of golemcraft.


"—by the way," she starts during a pause, "it just occurred to me to say, regarding telling your teacher we both worked on a thing, culturally, vankires and their mates aren't really seen as truly separable things, where I'm from. Not when both halves of the mate pair are vankires, anyway. That might be relevant to you."

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