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Sparkles in Tileworld
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And where might she go to inquire about getting citizen status?


Immigration office.

Short line to a receptionist who's there to hear about your problem. The receptionist hands Sadde some papers and says "Waiting area's over there, go to desk 2 and take a ticket if you have questions after reading."


She can read very quickly.




She probably qualifies as an unaligned Non-human non-mer being, for which the requirements for citizenship are 1. Pass a basic civics and local law test, 2. Pay a medium-ish registration fee, 3. Have a sponsor who will be limitedly-liable for any criminal activity or civil suits in Graya for the next 5 years.


Where can she find the laws, and what does the sponsor need to do?


There are textbook-sized study guides that show everything relevant in an only slightly propaganda-ish way. She can borrow one from the ward office 'library'.

The sponsor signs some things with her and swears in front of an official that Sadde will be a law-abiding citizen and that they will accept the (reduced from what she would get) consequences if she goes on a lawbreaking spree. It's meant to be a fairly serious thing, sponsors are encouraged to only do it if they're really sure about the person they're sponsoring.


Can they do it here or would they have to go to Windvale or something?


Sadde has to apply for a time to take the test. Next Monday here, 9 AM tomorrow in Windvale. Once that's done, here or Windvale or anywhere else with a ward office is fine.


Does she apply here?



Go wait in that line to do so.


Sigh. Alright.



It takes about fifteen minutes. Besides signing up for the test which is now done, she'll need to fill out this form and that form and the other one... Go to desk 17 when you're done with that. Oh, does she want to pay the test fee (1700 Metis, about 80 Kava) now or when she actually it?


Now, sure.


Payment processed, here's a receipt, sign and sign and go wait and does your non-human non-mer species come with multiple typical forms if so we need pictures for all of them and a special ID card...



Bureaucracy does take a while. But they assure her most of it's out of the way now, the test and the swearing-in will be relatively quick as long as her sponsor fills out these forms before they show up next time.


Sigh. She wanted to be a millionaire before sunset. Oh well.

(Also she doesn't have just multiple, she can look like pretty much anything, really.)


That could be problematic. The special cases officer at Windvale testing center will do some research and figure out how to approach this.

Meanwhile, she's done for now and still has two, maybe three hours until sunset.


Alright, thanks.

Back to furniture person?


Furniture person is in a staff meeting, coaching his salespeople on the imminent lower price campaign.


She can wait.


"Oh- Didn't think you'd be back today. Well, I have the fill-in-the-blanks contract, let's go over it..."


It's a really simple contract. Sadde will provide these items, via magic, at the specified place, and be paid for them the specified amount. He's even stapled an inventory list to it.


"Yeah was dealing with bureaucracy."

She goes over every little detail of the contract—very quickly, of course, she is a vampire—looking for any barbs and thorns.


It's barely a page long. No barbs, no legal traps, just that this doesn't constitute an ongoing agreement of any kind.

She doesn't even have to pay tax on the money as he explains the Fair Folk Services policy, where he just doesn't get a tax credit for business expenses instead of Sadde getting hounded for income tax at some point.


Huh. Cool. Alright, she can sign and start producing!


"To the warehouse we go."

He flies down the road on a very nice hover platform-car thing and into an industrial district with unlabelled buildings.

Here is a large, mostly empty warehouse.

Here is a lot of example items her things should be based on - she'll have to replace the metal fittings with real wood joining, for example, so they're going to be slightly different but close-enough.

And over there is a Kava crystal the size of a tall cup displaying 1,000,000. Waiting.


Such incentives!

She gets to work.

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