At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"General conservatism, I think. I have very little sense of how the Valar reach consensus and have vague hopes that talking to Aulë in particular would be better."


"But it's risky what with demonstrated tendency to pull the magic-disabling trick?"


"Yeah. I really really really hope they do the demon correspondence thing."


"Have you checked if they're summoning?"


"Not yet, although I'll probably look once a week or so. I'd be astonished if they were doing it yet. They are slow as fuck."


"Except when overreacting, apparently."


"That they can do real fast."


"What when you get to the Dwarves? Teach them summoning?"


"Naturally. Then we have faster than light communication and trade of small objects."


"I really, really like the way you think."




"Is it all set to go if only it were safe to navigate Valinor?"


"Don't have a ship design. Elves are not necessarily the only people who would want to go on a trip that long, but they're the most obvious and I think they'd rather live there anyway; the wrinkle is Elves can't tolerate confined spaces, or ugly ones, so ship design is really important. It will have to be a big ship. Lacking artificial gravity, we'd need to check if acceleration suffices to summon - so that they can summon and dismiss en route - or if they'll need to do with a fairy to push and rockets to decel. Maybe someone has checked that and I just didn't hear about it. And if anyone else does want to come along for the ride they'd have to be screened and whatever their needs are would need accommodating."


"Have no Elves ever been arrested for anything or is that different, too short to matter?"


"Elves have a ridiculously low crime rate and handle the crime rate they have via non-prison methods, those methods admittedly including 'stupid bloody wars'. They can literally die of being locked up in a week. Or so I'm told, and I have no reason to believe the Elves of my acquaintance were trying to deter me from something that specific."


"And when they're living secretly in human societies, like they were apparently doing until recently?"


"They stay out of trouble. Possibly they abuse their telepathy and general superhumanity but I have no direct evidence of that."


"I haven't asked them to check if I've got the private thoughts thing down yet, but I'm sufficiently confident they've cut it out with me to be in range."


"Were they doing it to start out?"


"Little bit, when they first summoned me, made sure I wasn't fucking with them."


"Seems kind of like the gags. Maybe you prevent one avenue of being fucked with but also you now have a pissed-off daeva."


"Didn't find out till they were too interesting to tell to fuck off, probably fortunately in the long run."


"What are they like?"


"Old. Singy. Excellent cheekbones. They don't have pointy ears any more, they got surgery. They still think about their stupid bloody wars a lot, since they spent most of the intervening time being dead and Elves do everything including recover very slowly."

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