At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"Yeah I heard that, I follow that sort of thing. I mean, I tried to summon named daeva too - 'Gabriel' is redundant, 'Titania' isn't turns out but she didn't answer, etcetera - but I used bindings."


"And you're not seven - even with bindings I wouldn't necessarily expect that to go well -"


"Not well, but it'll contain the damage better."


"Do you suppose there's anything to be done about daeva who do take a chance to break things -"


"Prevention, deterrence, or damage control?"


"I was mostly thinking about the first two."


"Easily accessible well-bound preprints with negotiation instructions included? Advice hotlines for would-be summoners? Lists of friendly daeva to summon individually? Deterrence is hard, answering summonses is voluntary..."


" - so if there were any sort of legal process someone who thought they might be in trouble would just not take specifics, that makes sense."


"Yeah. Unless they expected a friendly to put out a circle, then maybe they'd try, but they don't have to."


"That's good, on the whole, it'd be a mess if you could grab people against their will, but I bet it contributes a lot to nervousness that, like, any fairy you get could be that one who killed a guy -"


"Yeah. Fairies in particular have some trouble with cosmetic alterations but angels don't at all and demons don't have that much trouble messing with our faces if we want either so putting out mug shots doesn't help much even if you can get them."


"Plus, what would you even do if you did realize that this guy you grabbed for a trip across the country was a wanted murderer -"


"Summon a different one for the ride home, s'pose. I do think the naturally occurring daeva - modulo the incentives demons have by default and moreso with gags - are less likely to be dangerous than the ex-humans just because they're less likely to have lead poisoning or traumatic backstories."


"Or reason to want specific people or categories of people dead, yeah."


Nod nod.


"We don't have to talk summoning politics I just don't know what else you're into. Gone sightseeing in Hell?"


"Did you know that most demons live on an enormous solid gold rectangle?"


" - I did not. Wow. Uh, why?"


"It's under all three concordances, has Earthlike gravity but more surface area 'cause you can use both sides, and it has cultural baggage now. People put less stupid substances on top of the gold."


"And no one's ever fed the gold into a black hole? That seems like something a mean person would be tempted to do."


"Nobody has! There's planets, and sometimes those get holed, and sometimes individuals get holed if they're away from everything important, but nobody's ever even had a serious black hole related miscalculation near the rectangle."


"That's good of them. Isn't gold...soft?"


"Yes. There is a considerable amount of less stupid material on top."


Snort. "Demon cities must be amazing."


"Tacky," says Cam. "Whimsical, in a way, but the way is tacky."

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