At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"I thought it was clever how you did the stencils for Revelation so if you dropped any piece it wouldn't be a valid circle at all."


"My anonymity did not, like, actually do its job, but thank you."


"Yeah. But hey, if it had, you would be teaching summoning instead of being a demon and handling Elf relations and having Elvis sort your mail, so."


"I wish to make it clear that I did not go 'hey Elvis, sort my mail'. He said 'are you looking, I would be delighted to filter your admirers'."


"I was not imagining Elvis a particularly easy person to push around. I was kind of imagining him more the sort of person to entertain his own admirers, though."


"He's married. He's not, like, very married, he is in fact the least married married person I know unless one of his brothers is also married and never mentioned which come to think of it is totally possible, but Elves are very monogamous."


"I didn't actually realize there were degrees of married!"


"She's in Valinor, he hasn't seen her in thirty thousand years, and when the fairies were sending letters he didn't include one for her because he doubts she's in a position to be practically useful with any projecty stuff."



"Oh nooooo.  If you're going to be very serious about monogamy you have a very serious obligation to endeavor to see your spouse more often than once every thirty thousand years!"


"He was dead for all but the last few hundred years," acknowledges Cam.




"Still. What if she's terribly lonely."


"Yeah, I probably wouldn't want to be her. Although I don't know the circumstances under which they got married, maybe she doesn't miss him a bit and is enjoying herself fine."


"Maybe she doesn't remember him. Or do Elves have seriously supernatural memories."


"They have better than human memory. It's not eidetic but it doesn't seem to deteriorate very much over time."


"Daeva's no different than human, though? It'd be weird to be five thousand with a normal human memory, most of your life just - vague guesses -"


"Yeah, daeva are humanlike there. I think you can keep anything you really want, but it has to be kind of a short list if you're not going to write stuff down. You wouldn't forget your name, or a memorized story you told everybody you met - might have to translate it into new languages over time, though, lose a little detail in every translation - demons in particular get kind of obsessive about making sure things are recorded because then we can always get it back, I felt very at home with that."


She nods fervently. "Do demons have much better recording devices than ours -"


"A little better on the high end but we never have any reason to use cheap stuff. Do sometimes have reason to go mini, and demon minis are gonna be better than human minis."


"You'd think you could be well ahead, what with none of the constraints human engineers work under."


"There's less incentive to collaborate, I think that holds us back? And every single demon who would rather be playing Civilization all day long can just do that."


" - yeah, I guess that'd do it."


"I'm looking forward to demons and humans getting to bounce off each other more. Demons have been copying humans forever, of course, but creating the feedback loop'll be awesome."


"It's going to be amazing."


Wingrustling. "And getting different kinds of daeva in the same room, because there are certainly brilliant angel and fairy engineers too and the latency period without human help is a decade long."


"It'd surprise me if engineering companies weren't already on that, television's all over it and with less incentive - though maybe we don't have less incentive, come to think of it -"

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