At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"So do we. Perhaps I can ask Elladan for a summary of the relevant changes over time."


"Perhaps. What are you gonna tell him?"


"...that my Thindarin is out of date and since I'm going to publish a guide I should be apprised of later linguistic drift?"


"You collectively and besides that."


"I don't think we have quite decided yet."


"Anything I can help with or should I leave you alone on that?"


"How much did you pick up about the whole thing -"


" was not begun well, and could therefore end decently?" attempts Cam.


"Their mother had the Silmaril. We wrote her. She said 'come and get it'. A - combination of inexperience, bad advisors, and the conviction that the righteous always triumph, I think, she was in her twenties and running a refugee camp and perhaps could not have been the sort of person who did that without also being the sort of person who believed against all evidence that things would end well if you were the good side. We attacked the city - some of our own people defected, fought with Sirion's defenders, or it would have been over inside an hour, they had no idea what they were doing. As it stood we lost a few thousand people, it took most of the day...she threw herself out of her tower into the ocean. To keep the Silmaril out of our hands. I don't know if the children witnessed it, they never said. And we could have left them there, hoped their allies arrived before Morgoth sent some orcs in to pick over the remains of the carnage, but we took them with us instead. They were terrified. Took them months to talk. We were waiting to die, and that's not a good environment in which to raise children. But - we certainly did have things to teach them. So we taught them. And when the Valar at last announced with their trumpets that they'd come to war with Melkor and invited the peoples of Beleriand to join their host, they both wanted to go, and we - did not regard ourselves as having the authority to refuse them that, though they were only fourteen. 

So we taught them how to stay alive, and we sent them off. And we'd taught them well, I suppose, because Elros became first king of Men, king of Númenor, and chose the fate of Men and lived five hundred years and built a thriving and prosperous kingdom which remained so for nearly three thousand years. And Elrond became advisor to Gil-Galad, the last King of the Noldor in Middle-earth, and he build Imladris, which apparently still stands, and fought Thauron for seven thousand years and was remembered well long after. They were great men. I think they were also happy ones. I - didn't know they remembered us kindly. I wouldn't have."


"...what in the hell did the Valar need random peoples of Beleriand to accompany them in their war against another Vala for?"


"They had them marching in formation? - and, to be fair, handling the freed slaves, which the Valar would've been very bad at -"


"Okay, handling freed slaves does seem like a logistics problem best handed off."


"There were lots of them - Elves he'd torture but humans he'd just hand off to different, loyal groups of humans as prizes -"


"Ah, humanity."


"We're ill-positioned to be judgmental."


"I'm not."


"Yes, all right, you can be as judgmental as you please. During the Nirnaeth we were attacked from behind by some of our human forces who'd decided to side with Melkor, he'd promised them a continent for it. He lied, astonishingly. He did reward them by having them enslave Dor-Lómin's human population."


"Did they find that a satisfactory bait and switch?"


"They were terribly disappointed and of course took it out on their new slaves."




"You did, as a species, grow up. Took a while, but..."


"I don't like that framing very much. This wasn't an evolutionary problem. The sociopath to culture victim ratio can't be that high even among slaveowners."


"Sure, but how do you accrue a better culture except by trial and error -"


"Even if that's the only way to do it, saying humanity 'grew up' makes it sound like the ones who were or are doing appalling things have some kind of developmental problem instead of an inadequate context."


"- I mean, I also don't think it's a coincidence that short lifespans correlate with awfulness."

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