At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"They can navigate by the stars, but he won't be familiar with these ones. Maybe it'll be fine or he'll stay in sight of Earth though."


"As long as he's enjoying himself. Delighted to meet you, by the way, you really did do such a marvelous thing."


"Thank you! It's nice to meet you too. So what do you do?"


"Oh, I went back to school now that history's a cutting-edge field - I always wanted to, couldn't really justify it, but now that I can contribute more than a reaanalysis of something a hundred people have already written dissertations on -"


"Ooh. So you're studying Elves-and-stuff or you're taking advantage of an academic vacuum in something else?"


"I would love to study Elves but I've nowhere to start - I'm nowhere near gifted enough with languages to pick them up off nothing but reading material - but there's new material in everything, now that we don't have to rely on surviving documents. So I've been doing very careful tedious reanalyses of ancient Roman ethnographic work in order to be respectable enough I can break it to my family that there were never any Jews in Egypt and get taken seriously."


"There weren't? I never checked."


"I checked first thing. I was curious if any historically reported miracles were actually daeva interference - it wasn't impossible a random fairy irritated about slavery could make it rain frogs and then part a sea - but it does not appear to have been the case."


"Huh. And your family isn't going to like this information?"


"They probably won't believe me. I am not as a general principle very invested in what other people believe but if I could, by virtue of being studious enough, ensure there exists a respectable source of the information, then I feel better about leaving it up to them at that point."


"Makes sense. Does the ethnography make you respectable to your family or to a university or what?"


"I should get a doctorate out of it and my family will be very pleased about that."


"Good luck."


"Thank you! What have you been doing recently, the videos look very professional but I doubt they take up all your time."


"And they're not my professionalism, either, that's all Elvis. Talking to the Elves about Elf history and space colonization and how to deal with Valar and stuff, keeping up with the news - there's a lot of news and if I want to use my platform to steer I have to know what I'm steering."


"There is a lot of news. Towards what are you steering?"


"'Not horribly fucking everything up'."


" - is that the best we can do, because that is not the most encouraging of goals."


"Horrible fuckups are more accessible than usual right now. Like, I'm also excited about the space colony thing but I don't need the attention of a few billion people for that."


"Yeah. And I guess if you try to use your pulpit to preach for world peace you might have less anti-disaster leverage."


"Don't get me wrong, I'm all for world peace, but whenever I don't have specific and reasonably unambiguous solutions to the object level conflicts in question I feel like my advice is not the thing the situation needs."


"Oh, I don't think you could accomplish anything meaningful on the world peace front. Are there impending disasters aside from the Elf continent -"


"Unsafe daeva use does not exactly impend, but it threatens."


" - yes, that it might. Does a platform fix that, though -"


"People download my recommended bindings. I don't know exactly how much effect I'm having."

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