At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"...Hell is anarchy. Not, like, fancy anarchocapitalism like the Dwarves have, it's just anarchy. The closest thing to a law is a neighborhood association. Most people don't want to bug other people, and they can't hurt you very much. But if something happens there's nothing to be done about it, you just sort of move on with your life, and while this may be healthier in some ways than having drawn-out legal battles or imprisoning people for decades because juries think five years is too lenient or whatever, it does mean there are people who have been harmed and don't have anything that seems-to-them like a recourse."


"...and that'll probably get worse as there are more people who did hurt other people very much, and are now happily in Hell -"


"That doesn't apply directly to life in Hell, but yeah, if people feel like they need punishment for their attackers or a surefire way to keep somebody away from them they're out of luck."


"I see that a lot and mostly just wish people'd get over it but I guess when you have lots and lots of magic conditions might be easier to change than peoples' ability to get over grievances."


"I feel like exporting any Earthly feud wholesale to the afterlife would be a poor choice."


 "You don't say!"


"I have not gone to visit the guy who murdered me."


"...I think I'd have been terribly tempted to observe the trial with my feet up while reading a paperback and occasionally winking at the defendant. But that's very admirably - the right kind of indifferent - of you."


"Well, also I was not able to attend the trial, I only acquired freedom of movement recently."


"Before that I took random summonses until finally somebody let me talk and make a phone call."


"It took several years to find someone who'd let you talk? I had not realized people took the gags so seriously."


"Some demons had better luck than me, but yeah, that one asshat with the book deal made a splash."


"I think you can now safely be said to have made a bigger one."


"To the benefit of demons who wish to phone their loved ones everywhere."


"Or wish to tell people what they'd like as payment. Good lord."


"That one was being partly addressed by that government thing, but yeah."


"Government thing?"


"They have a correspondence demon and are taking information about what daeva want and what expertise they have."


"Oh, that sounds useful. Maybe we'll copy them."


"It's a pretty straightforward win, although it turns out the easiest way to find a demon who wants to be on Earth all the time is to find one who wants a kid."


"- that sounds like it could occasion interesting legal debates."


"As I understand it most of her salary pays lawyers."


Giggle. "Interesting times we live in."



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