At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"I am very entertained by imagining trying to tell me-as-a-college-freshman about this date," Claire says.

Rivka giggles. "Me-in-seminary would be horrified."


"You went to seminary? Would you be horrified by the plurality or the demonicness?"


"After the army. Most people do, in America I take it it would be a much more unusual course? I really really liked it aside from the not-being-true but that turned out to be a sticking point. I think I could look past both the plurality and the demonicness if only you were a Jew." 


"I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people."


Giggle. "I do not regret having decided to have different dating priorities."

"You were in the army?" says Claire.

"Oh, that's everybody. You'd think they'd have cut it out now that there's no conceivable scenario where a war is settled with teenagers who have machine guns, but they haven't."

"- gosh, way to make the very recent past sound utterly horrifying -"

"The very recent past was utterly horrifying! Then Cam fixed it."


"Other people have to do the followthrough! For example, they haven't stopped drafting teenagers and giving them machine guns. - Which fairy wants to actually ferry us to the Moon -"


Claire's fairy is a little more experienced at navigation. Off they go. 


Cam recommends the twilight band so that the humans do not get sunburned.


Zoom. Here they are. 


He makes air for a good long moonjump distance around. And hops.


The Moon: has lunar gravity! He is very good at hopping! His girlfriends giggle, and try it also, a little more warily on account of not being indestructible.


Cam is indestructible but still completely fails to stick the landing even when he flares his wings out. He gets moondust all over himself. "I have never been to the moon before, or anyplace with similar gravity - zero g, yes, lunar no -"


"Where'd you go with zero-g?" Claire asks, bouncing over. She does stick her landing; the dust flares up very dramatically.


"Out past the golden rectangle's gravity well. If you give it a while you can just fly that far on wing power, making air to flap in." He gets up and brushes himself off.


"Are there zero-gravity sports, there should absolutely be zero-gravity sports -"



"There are! And zero-g dancing."


"Ooooooh. - if I try to jump as high as I can will I accidentally leave the air -"


"If I keep an eye on you I will keep up even if you go higher than I expect."


"Okay -" jump -


Air is waiting for her every foot of the jump.


Jumping around on the Moon is terrifically entertaining and after a little while everybody is dusty and everybody who can get very tired is very tired.


This seems like a lemonade occasion.


Demons are really convenient! Lemonade is really appreciated! Dusty tired girlfriends flop on Cam to drink their lemonade.


...giggle. One wing per girlfriend.


"Wings're really cozy," Claire says comfortably.

"They are. Fairies get seriously shortchanged on the wings front."


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