At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"And now that people know, most of them'll probably summon, Limbo's population won't grow too much, eventually all the imports will really make a difference."


"The care packages also go a lot farther as tech improves. Used to have to balance data and stuff, now it can be nearly all stuff."


"How long are concordances open?"


"Couple days."


"Oh, then you can move an obscene amount of cargo. Send through the stuff to set up, like, high speed rail lines, those go five hundred kilometers an hour - say a four square meter cross section of a freight car and you have room for, what, a hundred trains? - that's two hundred million cubic meters of stuff per hour, roughly twenty billion per concordance, I think there are only like a hundred billion people who have ever lived so that's - like a hundred gallons of stuff for everybody? Yeah, Limbo just needs the fastest trains you can send them parts for."


"They have 'em. Distribution within Limbo is still an issue, and while their stuff is indestructible what we send them isn't. And they want a lot of things that don't last."


"Yeah, I'm trying to think what I'd get if I got a hundred gallons of stuff every ten years. Do they have electricity -"


"The buildings that are a person's thing do if they're recent enough, and nearby buildings that can splice off that. Not most of them."


"You could send 'em a nuclear power plant."


"Plans are in the works!"


"How did it take this long for someone to mention there's an afterlife?"


"Limbo is sort of a - special interest? Among daeva. Ex-human daeva are way less common even now than naturally occurring ones and Limbo is an importer, not an exporter, except via conjuration of media - do you know where the people who write episodes of your favorite TV shows are from? Getting a daeva who can tell you that Limbo exists isn't trivial in the first place and then you have to let them talk and they have to believe telling would be a good idea."


"...I think if I were a daeva and there were a world where people just died 'what? that's it? and then they stop existing?' would be, like, my first question."


"Sure, but this is the same basic psychology that goes 'what? people some places have no running water? but did the Packers win?', so I'm not that surprised that lots of them didn't follow up."


"But there've been daeva who've killed people - did they know they weren't really dead, it feels like that's kind of a different picture -"


"Some of them probably knew, some maybe didn't. Word about Limbo's getting all around now, though, soon enough all of them will know if they're interested enough in human stuff to take summonses in the first place."


"What does it feel like, getting a summons -"


"Specific it's like having a bit of thread on your sleeve you can pull. Random it's really easy to ignore, like - it's windy and the leaves are coming down and you can go try to be the first person to grab a fallen leaf if you want."


"Wonder if it's easier for angels and fairies, since they get summoned more."


"Higher interested population."


"I guess that makes sense."


"Yeah. Not just economics, also the gags."


"Did you gag the demons you summoned before Revelation -"




"Were serious attempts made on your soul?"

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