At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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No, it's worse than that. The reason for the isolationism - the real one, not whatever they tell kids these days - is that a long time ago a bunch of angry humans decided to try to invade Valinor. The Valar appealed to Eru for help, and Eru sank the continent they were from, no survivors, and collapsed the mountains on top of the army that landed in Valinor. They are all still there, twenty-eight thousand years later, immortal and stuck forever.


...well, I'd dig them out, but, crippled.


Some people've tried. Not allowed. 


Yeah another reason fairies might come here is to get you lot out from under the monsters.


I understand the temptation but it would not work.


How do you know, you didn't even know we existed.


The Valar can cancel your magic. They did it awkwardly the first time but I bet they'll learn. And when Valinor is attacked they grossly, grossly overreact.


Evacuating you wouldn't be an attack, that's stupid.


No one would be tempted to go tell the 'monsters' to fuck off? No one would try pulling the mountains apart to get at the buried people and maybe not be attentive enough about the rockslides this caused a thousand miles off?


Telling monsters to fuck off, also not an attack. Probably anybody going after the mountains would know how to disassemble and reassemble mountains.


I don't know the customs where you're from, but here seeking out and confronting someone to threaten them is in fact a crime. 


'Fuck off' isn't a threat.


...look, if people do this it will be a disaster that very probably ends with lots of people permanently trapped or dead and maybe ends much, much worse than that. There is no audience to whom you can argue 'oh, tracking someone down with terrifyingly powerful magic in order to demand they flee from their own home is technically not a threat'. Winning the argument gets you absolutely nothing. It is wrong and it is a horrible idea and if someone does it an absolute disaster will result. 

Permalink misunderstood me somewhere.


I'm trying to explain why this is a catastrophe in the making and you're going 'technically, 'threat' is the wrong word for the behavior which will incite this catastrophe!'


I mean, okay, but also I don't think anyone's going to kidnap you? You're not allowed to leave, if you wanted to leave anyway some fairy might try to help you.


And that's very admirable of them but on the whole it really, really sounds like fairies should just not come to Valinor at all ever.


We continue to be billions of different people who don't all answer to anybody in particular let alone me.


The Valar can maybe just change up the path to get here. How did you learn it in the first place?


The demons found it.


Nod. So the demons would just find it again if we changed it?


Yeah probably.


I know it's not your fault but it's kind of upsetting to learn that we can expect to be under continual assault for the rest of forever by 'rescuers' who have no interest in even pretending to respect the way things work here or the reasons one might want to move slowly in changing them, and there's nothing at all we can do to protect ourselves.


If you want me to bring more letters back to Fairyland I can do that.


If it might help. Saying - look, there are a lot of problems here, and external force will exacerbate all of them and help with absolutely nothing, please please leave us alone...

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