At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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They're herbivores, but not all of the dinosaurs around here are.


There's unfriendly herbivores, and I can't keep them off me like this. Walk walk. Occasional flinchy reactions to noticing over and over in a hundred ways that his powers are gone.


They remain curious what Fairyland is like.


Fairyland is colorful and flat and vast. You can fly fast as you please in any direction forever and there are more and more mountains and rivers and oceans and valleys and forests and deserts and plants and creatures to see. Fairies who do that sort of thing learn to navigate by the stars - they have stars, even though they're not a planet - so they can find their way back to civilization, if they like, should they get turned around. Civilization is a sprawl of everybody with a culture setting up to live it someplace nobody else was using. The biggest city is called Elfame and he lives there with his roommates, friends he fell in with a few decades ago when he met Shipka at the architecture museum.


The Elves think that sounds really lovely.


Yes, Fairyland is very nice. And a few years ago summoning got way more popular, so now if you want you can try to catch summonses to Earth and talk to humans, who are also nice and will trade for moving things around.


What sort of things do they trade? What does their world look like?

(They're also a bit confused humans are nice but maybe they got nicer recently.)


Well, he hasn't met many humans but the one he met was nice and he hears that most of them are and they have good TV if you don't mind subtitles or have their language. - he just got a pun in his favorite show he'd missed the first time through. Humans can also summon demons and angels, so they can trade fairies nice things it would be annoying to make the long way, or just let them visit Earth (or space) locations which are different and interesting.


Demons and angels?


They're like fairies but with different powers. They send fairies nice things (well, and fairies also send angels nice things; that concordance has a two-way train setup) and are also summoned by humans, to make stuff or change stuff.


What do fairy cities look like, do all fairies have the kind of wings he has, how did fairies find Valinor...


Fairies who haven't met up with a demon or an angel on Earth and gotten weird cosmetic alterations done have wings loosely like his with different shapes and designs and colors, but the bug wing theme is a constant. Fairy cities are more vertical than Elf cities and often extend underground because digging is easy. They like glass and wood and steel and big public murals. They don't so much have, um, streets. They are really not designed for people with Shipka's problem or, now, his own problem, but at least he knows how to walk and will be able to get around in his own apartment.


....oh, that makes sense, if everything's built assuming everyone has powerful magic then not having powerful magic would make it hard just to get around. Do most fairies know how to walk?


Most of them are better at it than Shipka, but plenty never pick it up. The most common prompt for developing the skill of nonmagically moving around, other than "it seemed worth knowing and you finally get around to it" is sex, and she's ace.


(That is translated to the rest of their audience as 'unmarried'.) What are the prettiest places in Fairyland? Does it really go on forever, how do they know?


It really does. The fairies were already pretty sure but some demons checked for them at teeny tiny scale and they got bored way before they found any edges. He likes this set of waterfalls near Elfame.


And they're back at the cliffside city! It has stone stairs. Does he need help navigating the stone stairs.


He can figure it out. He'll be okay if he falls down them.


People blink at him curiously but mostly don't gawk. Someone finds him a room; it looks out on a valley where there's now a whole herd of dinosaurs grazing. Someone else brings dinner.


Dinner's nice. Spice profile is weird but that's not unexpected.


He is encouraged to let them know if he needs anything.


Do they happen to know if the letters got where they were going.


They sent someone to check but without knowing where they were supposed to be going it'll be a bit.


How long, his summoner'll dismiss him after a while.


Hard to predict; if they happen to run into the people who got the messages, then any hour now, but if they have to scour the whole continent for them it could be weeks.

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