At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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Are you a fairy?  I think right now fairies are prohibited while their divine graces figure out what to do about them. There's a sign, the girl who met the last fairy said it was important that there be a sign if fairies were going to be not allowed.


I didn't see the sign, but anyway I didn't want to be here, I just flung some letters over and then my magic cut out while I had forward momentum.


Oh. Well, we can get a carriage and take you back out to the edge.


Unlike the last fairy your monsters crippled I know how to walk. I can't get over the mountains like this. I'll be dismissed in a week.




Our only interaction with the Valar has been them crippling and traumatizing peaceful visitors and we don't feel inspired to call them their divine graces.


...calling them the Valar works fine. I didn't know they'd been crippling and traumatizing people, are you guys maybe traumatizable by things that wouldn't bother Elves?


I'm not traumatized, Shipka is. She can't do anything without her magic.


That sounds very hard. Were you coming to petition the Valar to fix it?


I wasn't going to personally come over the mountains, since that worked out really badly for Shipka. I threw a letter at them. I crashed because my magic cut out while I was moving forward, explains the fairy patiently.


Oh. Do you need anything?


I would like my and Shipka's magic back immediately.


We can send a messenger to go petition the Valar about that, I don't expect it'll be any trouble as long as you stay away from Valinor. Anything else?


If I'm going to be stuck here until I'm dismissed I could use things like food and shelter but I don't strictly require them. And I'd like to be able to verify the letters got where they were supposed to.


Where were they supposed to get to?


One of them was supposed to get to Taniquetil and a couple others were addressed to some Elves. I had a map but it caught fire when I was uncontrollably hurled through the air by the monsters' idiot border protections.



I understand that you just had an upsetting experience but please don't call people monsters.


They can prove they're not when my friend isn't crying on the floor having to be fed all her meals by other people and then I'll cut it out. If they act like monsters I'm going to call them monsters.


I don't have very much information about the situation.


I heard it all firsthand from Shipka.


The Valar have been protecting us for forty thousand years and it's not at all absurd they'd have hurt someone accidentally while suddenly confronted with new powerful magic, but that doesn't make them monsters. We don't bother anybody. We just want to be left alone. We put up giant mountains and made Valinor nearly impossible to find so we'd be left alone.


I might buy that if they'd fixed it after she started crying and telling them she couldn't get up.


How should they have fixed it, returning to her the capability to murder thousands of people at will?


She was under a binding and hadn't hurt anybody.


What's a binding?

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