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All Sensible and Virtuous Men acknowledge that it is Evil not only to do that which causes Actual Harm, but also that which May Cause Harm, even if one may be Lucky in any given Case. It is an Evil to Sail a Fishing-Boat while Severely Drunk, even if the Fishing-Boat does not Capsize; it is an Evil to leave a Lit Candle a small distance from a Thatched Roof, even if the Flame does not Catch; it is an Evil to permit a Child to play by an Open Flame, even if the Child is not Burned.

When a Man lies with a Woman, there is a Chance that the Woman may Conceive a Child, no matter how much Care is taken to Avoid it. Some say that this may be Surely Avoided, if the man does not Spill his Seed within the Woman, or if the Man and the Woman perform Certain Acts only, or if the Woman is Very Old, or Rather Young, or has Never Lain with a Man, or is Nursing an Infant, or if the Man is very Drunk. Yet in every such Case, there are Many who have practiced such Methods and yet have Conceived a Child; therefore it can be said that there is always a Chance of Conception whenever Man and Woman lie together, though it may be Small.

To Kill that Child is certainly a Great Evil, for the Souls of Slain Children are sent to the Boneyard, where they Languish Motherless on the Ground. I have heard it said that the souls of the Slain Unborn are often formed into Great Piles of Souls, as if they were mere Rubbish, which cannot even Move or Speak. It may Fairly be said that this is a Greater Evil even than Murder, for those who are Murdered will be delivered to their Justly Deserved Afterlives, but the Unborn shall be sent Invariably to the Misery of the Boneyard.

Yet it is Not Rare for a Woman's Child to Perish before it is Born, even if the Woman does not Set Out to Kill it, or for a Child to be Born Dead. Such an Occurrence is so Common that nearly Every Person in Westcrown can surely Name a Woman who has Lost an Unborn Child without Willing it so. Through great Care and Diligence the Woman can render this Less Likely, but even the most Careful Woman may nevertheless Lose her Unborn Child.

It is therefore Invariably an Evil for a Man and a Woman to lie with each other, even if they be Married and Virtuous. For there will always be a Chance that in so doing, they shall cause a Child to Perish and be sent to the Boneyard. If they are Unlucky, they will be Judged as Murderers; if they are Lucky, they shall merely be Judged as those who Risked Murder for their own Pleasure. Therefore all Men or Women who desire to be Good should Never lie with each other, both for the sake of their Unborn Children, and for the sake of their Own Souls.

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How a Woman may Safely Carry a Child

The author of the Pamphlet by the name "On the Evil of Lying with Another" has Written Truly that it is a Great Evil to risk sending an Unborn Child to the Boneyard. Yet it is Not So that Men and Women must never Lay Together. For there is a Method known in the Days of Aroden by which a Woman may be Assured that she will not Lose her Child.

The Priests of Pharasma, like All the Righteous Gods save Abadar, are Blessed with the Power of Healing, which permits them to bring Holy Power to all those who Surround them. Yet Pharasma, Alone among the Gods, blesses her Priests with Another Power: that any Woman with Child who is Touched by this Holy Light shall be Protected from the Loss of this Child for a Full Day. In a Few Short Weeks, many Priests of Pharasma will Gather in Westcrown for the Constitutional Convention; it will therefore be Safe to Conceive a Child while the Convention Proceeds.

Yet Be Warned: this Holy Blessing works only on the Willing. A Woman who does not Truly Wish to Protect her Child shall not Receive the Blessing of Pharasma, and any Man who Lays with her risks great Evil.


Against the false fear of Evil

Many pamphlets published in recent days have said that it is Evil to kill an unborn child. This is not true! Murder is evil because most people go to Hell, which means that by killing someone you are probably sending them to Hell, where they will be tortured forever! If you knew with certainty that you were killing a Good person, it would not be Evil at all, since you would be freeing them from the harms of mortal life and sending them to paradise in Heaven (or Nirvana, or Elysium). Killing an unborn child is Neutral, because it sends them to the Boneyard, where they are neither tortured nor in paradise. (In fact, it may be Good if you know they will otherwise end up in Hell for certain, but now that prophecy has been broken you can never be certain of that.)



A recent pamphlet, which I WILL NOT NAME lest it spread its LIES more widely, claimed that it was NOT EVIL to KILL an UNBORN CHILD. I do not know if this is TRUE or FALSE, but I fear that such VILE WRITINGS will lead many into ERROR. For HER MAJESTY'S DECREE against MURDER does not forbid merely the murder of ADULTS and OLDER CHILDREN, but of BABIES as well. (I have CONFIRMED this interpretation with a LAWYER, for it was GREATLY SURPRISING.) UNBORN BABIES are still BABIES, and it is still LAWLESS to MURDER them. STAY YOUR HAND, or you risk LOSING AXIS FOREVER.


On the Rule of Law in those Countries Untainted by Asmodeanism

In those countries which are Not Corrupted by Asmodeanism, it is Understood that the Laws mean Sensible Things, and not Absurdities. For Example, a law which forbids Murder does not also forbid a Farmer to Slaughter Animals, unless it Says Also that it is a law against the Killing of Animals. Even if a Literal Interpretation of the Laws would seem to Forbid something that Plainly should not be Forbidden, or to Permit something that Plainly should not be Permitted, the Magistrate will judge based on their Wisdom, not based on Mephistophelean Trickery.

Here are several Examples of Absurdities which Recent Pamphlets have claimed:

  • That the Decree against Theft forbids the Levying of Taxes;
  • That the Decree against Theft forbids Slavery;
  • That the Decree against Theft only forbids the Taking of Goods which are Currently being Carried on the Person of the Owner, and permits Stealing Possessions from his House while he is away;
  • That the Decree against Theft permits a man to Accost Men with Weapons to Demand that they Hand Over their Possessions, so long as the Thief Seizes the Possessions only by Threat of Death, and not by Force;
  • That the Decree against Murder forbids the Killing of Unborn Children and Infants;
  • That the Decree against Murder forbids the Killing of Slaves;
  • That the Decree against Murder permits the Killing of Elves, Dwarves, and Other People who are not Human;
  • That the Decree against Rape forbids the Breeding of Animals or Slips;
  • That the Decree against Proselytization for Infernal Powers forbids Priests of Abadar from Preaching;
  • That the Decree against Proselytization for Infernal Powers forbids Priests of Sarenrae from Preaching;
  • That the Decree against Proselytization for Infernal Powers permits the Church of Erecura;
  • That the Decree against Proselytization for Infernal Powers permits men to Pray to Asmodeus, so long as they do it Privately.

All such Mephistophelean Interpretations are Plainly not the Will of the Queen. Any man who carries out an act that is truly Forbidden, or seeks Prosecution for an act that is truly Permitted, will find himself Sorely Surprised. Men should not only rely on the Actual Words of the Queen's Decrees, but also on their own Good Judgment and Common Sense.

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