There are a great many Evils to which many of us grew Accustomed under Asmodeus, to the point of thinking of them as no Evil at all. Though we are now Free, there are many men who yet Persist in such Evils, not out of Malice or Love for Asmodeus but merely because they are Ignorant. Such Evils as these include Slavery, Sugar-eating, Miserliness, Divorce, and Usury. But there is another Evil, just as Pernicious, which until now has received little notice, though it is far more dangerous. I speak here of the Evil of Lust and its Fruits of Licentiousness and Debauchery.

The wretched nature of Lust can be seen clearly merely by looking at those gods which number it among their concerns. Chief among them is Belial, Archduke of Hell and servant of Asmodeus, who commands that in all things men indulge their Basest Desires. But there are other Vile and Anarchic gods who likewise seek to stir up Lust within the hearts of men. For both Nocticula the Demon-Lord, Patroness of Lustful Demons, and Anarchic Calistria, Patroness of Whores, urge their followers towards Lust and bid them inflame the passions of others. With such wicked champions as these, it is no wonder that the touches of Lust invariably turn men to Evil.

And do not think that the gods of Good do likewise! In the mortal life of Holy Iomedae, Goddess of Cheliax, it is said that from her Birth to her Ascension she never had Carnal Knowledge of a man, for so great was her Virtue that not once did she willfully do Evil. So Impressive was her Purity that even the men around her were Inspired by it. In Helvarim's Brief Commentary on the Acts of Iomedae she records the words of one of Iomedae's fellow-soldiers in the Shining Crusade, who spoke thusly: "Though Iomedae was yet a young woman when I knew her, and I a young man, I never felt carnal desire for her, and in her presence I found that I was not capable even to speak of such subjects." I have heard it said that in Lastwall Whippings are dealt out to all those who would Lust after another, but that so dedicated are the people of Lastwall to Goodness that this happens scarcely one year in ten.

And what of the Consequences of Lust? Our orphanages overflow with a Surfeit of Unwanted Children, born of those with neither Restraint nor Good Sense. Urgathoa sends Veneral Disease to Plague all those who give in to Lust's temptations. Lust drives men to defile Honorable women, and Lust drives women to marry Disreputable men. And for what gain? It is true that giving in to the Temptations of Lust can bring momentary Pleasure. But the same can be said for many great Evils, and they are no less Evil for it.

All who wish to be Virtuous and Pure of Spirit ought cast out the temptations of Lust wherever they lie and devote themselves to Celibacy. Do not go to bed with another, even if they be your Husband or Wife. Separate yourself from any who Inflame you with the Passions of Lust. Cultivate Purity of Heart and Spirit, and do not allow yourself to be driven by Base Urges. If you should find yourself in need of Child, do not conceive one through Carnal Means; rather, choose one from the Orphanages and raise it as your own. Only by rejecting the temptations of Belial can we find our way out of Hell.