Though the Constitutional Convention has brought many Ills, it has also brought one Great Boon, which I hope we may Replicate once the Delegates have Departed. For there are now more than a Hundred Priests of the Righteous Gods in our City, who are Wholly Sufficient to supply our City with Clean Water. Many among them have also performed Channels of Healing for Little or No Charge, which the Wicked Priests of the Enemy could never do.

Yet soon they shall Depart, and with them their Water and Healing. It therefore falls to all of us to take up Prayer as a New Calling, beseeching the Righteous Gods to choose us. I have Endeavored to provide Sample Prayers below, but I am little-educated in the ways of many of the Righteous Gods, so I Humbly Beseech their Forgiveness if anything here is in Error. In Preparing this List, I have used only those Gods which were Invited to the Constitutional Convention, and I mean no Offense to those Worthy Gods who were not so Invited.

After you have Prayed, you should then Ask the God to Choose you. Do not Despair if they do not, for the Will of the Gods is not always Easy to Understand. If you have Given Up on being Chosen by a Specific God, you should then perform the Same Rituals for a Different Power, until you have Beseeched all the Righteous Gods for Aid.

Gods of Law


Erastil, God of Farmers, I give Thanks to You for the Bread I eat and the Wine I Drink. It is by Your Will that I have enough to Eat.

(If you are a Farmer, you may here describe your Work in Farming.)


Iomeday, Goddess of Fighting Evil, I give Thanks to You, and to Your Paladin Aspex Cansellarion, for defeating the Enemy. It is by Your Will that Cheliax is now Free. In Your Name I shall Stand with Courage against Evildoers.


Abaddar, God of Money, I give Thanks to You that I have Money. In Your Name I shall Earn More Money, that I may honor You by becoming Rich. I Entreat you to Protect me from Unnecessary Expenses, Ruinous Loans, and Dishonest Merchants.


Torag, God of Dwarves, please Watch Over and Protect Your Dwarves from all harm that would Befall them.

(If you are a Dwarf, you may here entreat Torag for the Blessings owed to Dwarvenkind.)


Yrory, Goddess of Inner and Outer Strength, help me to Become Strong. In Your Name I shall lift Heavy Objects until I am as Strong as a Soldier and as Disciplined as a Paladin. 

Gods of Neutrality


Nethys, God of Magic, who knows All Things that Any Man has Learned, watch over me as I seek out Knowledge and Magical Power. It is for Your Glory that I practice my cantrips with Diligence, and for Your Edification that I pursue Hitherto Unknown Magical Knowledge. I shall Pursue Knowledge in all its Forms, and Unravel the Mysteries of the Universe. I ask for neither Protection nor Instruction, for those are not the Way of a Wizard, merely for you to Observe my Studies, that you may Learn of any New Discoveries even if I should Perish in the Seeking. If I shall go Mad in Your Service I will do so Gladly, knowing that it is but One Step on the path to become All-Knowing.

(If you are not a Wizard, you may Instead give Thanks to Nethys for Wizards.)


Farazma, Goddess of the Afterlives, Judge my soul Fairly when I Arrive, being neither too Harsh nor too Lenient. Ensure that I am not Kept from Judgment by a Final Blade nor by the Scourge of the Undead nor by Resurrection. By Your Will I shall Spurn the Archhealer's Reincarnations and all other Magic by which I might Escape my Fate.


Shelin, God of Art, please Admire the Art which I have Created. 

(Here you should Describe the most recent Art which you have Made.)


Sarenray, Goddess of the Sun, I give Thanks to You for the Sun. Its Light Lights our Work, and its Warmth Warms our Bodies. It is thanks to You that the Sun was able to End the Age of Darkness, and without You we would all be Dead.


Gozra, Goddess of Plants, I give Thanks to You for the many Useful Plants which You have Bestowed upon us. From the Grain we Eat to the Trees we use for Lumber to the Flax from which we make Linen, Your Plants serve us in every Aspect of our Lives. 

Gods of Anarchy


Cayden, God of Drunkenness, I give Thanks to You for Alcohol. I have heard that New Forms of Drink have recently Come to our Country, which were Forbidden by the Asmodeans, and I Rejoice to hear it. In Your Honor I shall Drink Nightly from Your Holy Cup, for it is said that any Cup of Alcohol is Holy to You.


Dezna, Goddess of the Stars, I give Thanks for Your Stars. Their Beauty brings me Joy, and their Steadfastness guides Sailors to Safe Harbor.


Calistrya, Goddess of Revenge, I wish to Honor you by seeking Vengeance on those who have Slighted me. (You should here Describe what Injury they have done to you.) As I am a Lawful Subject of Her Majesty the Queen, show me how I may bring Pain and Suffering to my Enemies without violating the Law.


Gorum, God of War, I Thank You for Your Soldiers and their Valiant and Courageous Efforts to hold back the Demons of the Worldwound and to Liberate Cheliax from the Enemy. In Your Name I shall stand with Courage against Any who Oppose me.


Chaldyra, Goddess of Slips, please Watch Over and Protect Your Slips from all harm that would Befall them.

(If you are a Slip, you may here entreat Chaldyra for the Blessings owed to Slipkind.)