an eight year old girl with brown-flecked white wings, looking dismayed and lost.
She's in a dirt alleyway between two buildings that wouldn't be out of place on Samaria, in a smallish town. People glance at her a few times, talking in some strange language, but don't bother her. There's an unfamiliar castle in the distance, over there. It's pretty cold.
Well, none of these people speak a language she knows. So she tromps along the street, listening in case anyone who speaks something she speaks is available, trying to remember party people so she can check for more than just Jane and her family.
After a couple minutes of wandering around, someone in a blue and green uniform spots the wings. He crosses the street to address her in several languages, stopping when English is a hit. "Hello. Please tell me, you are lost yes? Did the criminal Innata give you those wings, or are they your own? We can try to put you back home either way."
"Innata is a bad Witch who kidnaps people from all over and transforms them into things just because she can. Where are you from? Who gave you the wings? You're too young to have your own magic yet, I think."
"I'm glad you seem to like your wings, then. Samaria... Samaria. That doesn't sound familiar. I think we have some maps back at the station. Would you please follow me there?"
"...Different world? How. Uh. This planet is called Terra. How did you manage to get lost here? Your magic?"
"No, not having going other worlds magic or already have go home. Got through nice bar except door break and stuck now and not having any Jane nor any ones Mommy, Daddy, sisters, any party people."
"All this tangly magic stuff sounds like something the Witches should deal with. I'm just a peace officer, they might have a better idea what to do."
"Do you need anything in particular, while we wait to hear back? Food and water?"
They get a response a few minutes later. "They're sending a Witch to come talk to you."
When she does arrive, she heads unerringly for Pen. "Yeah, that's some strange foreign magic, alright. I'm not sure I understood their explanation - a bad door?"
"The only magic going on right now is some sort of talking thing, and a very, very thorough, very permanent shield. Can you show me where you arrived in this world?"
"It still might help. If it doesn't there's other things we can try. Some Witches can teleport. I've never heard of teleporting between worlds, but it might work. Sounds risky, though, so we check other ways first, right?"
It indeed no longer does. "So this door was leading to a bar, which was supposed to lead home but instead lead here. It's gone now, at any rate. Nothing magical about this door. Hm. What's your world's magic like? It smells pretty different from Witch magic."