[The latter. Preferably places that speak English. She'll follow all your safety, secrecy, and security precautions.]
[Sure. Tell her to grab a gem when she wants to go and I'll put her on Pattern's Jupiter. It's multilingual, but there's a decent number of English speakers and I can translate.]
Lytee picks up a Janegem. [I'm ready to go whenever you're ready to put me.]
[Cool. There is a low but real risk that something dreadful will happen to me and you will be stranded for an indefinite period of time wherever you are then while time de-syncs between worlds and the peal fixes me. If you want to minimize the risk of being stranded for long periods of subjective time, I can keep you in worlds that have natives who can open doors to Milliways reliably without my help; this will not prevent large amounts of time from passing here while you are gone, though.]
[If you have some sort of distance limit which interacts with a form of distance we don't know how to measure, you might have trouble getting from some peal worlds back here; and time de-syncing has no trouble making a hundred years pass in this world while you notice that I'm not answering you and scramble to return.]
[I've made arrangements for the possibility that I'll disappear for a long time. May as well keep me to worlds you think are safest if you're that concerned, though.]
Time passes. The United Defense Force rushes to make torchability available as widely as possible. After another week or so, the UDF officially disbands, becoming the Global Reconstruction Group and giving over most of its powers to the national governments that originally ceded them.
The newly formed GRG eventually presents a long list of things the Neuroi could do that would serve as an acceptable apology. There's a lot on that list.
And that world moves forward in peace, for the most part.