sigh "Yeah. Well, sort of. We didn't pick anything ourselves. Our dads both have this mutation. We ended up each going with the one who carried us."
"Glass and her wives have three little princesses but they just all have three moms. But is not a secret. Is a very very magic world."
"Is it going to be a problem that this is taller than the seats of the chairs?" she asks.
"True. Alright, I'll just leave this at the table and we can get food. D'you want me to carry your tray?" she asked, floating three metal trays up from the stack.
"Well, yes, but I don't have to use up hands to do it. But sure," she floats one of the trays to right in front of Pen.
"Plenty of people would rather have things under their own control than not have to carry them, Emily."
It turns out the sisters typically sit with a group of other students. These are fairly curious about Pen. How much Pen wants to tell them is up to her.
That is not exactly a helpful answer to most of these people. Edie can send a basic summary while explaining some of the details aloud so that Pen understands what she's communicating to her friends.
Jean noticed the conspicuous flatness to Pen's mind that her wished mental defenses are producing, and comments on this; this brings up the topic of her safeties.
Various people start discussing whether she would be impervious to Scott's eyebeams. The general consensus seems to be, "quite possibly, but we should never ever in a million years test it."
"No? But Shell Bell got nuke one time and then everybody make better wards and have better kind."
"Shell Bell a one Mommy, from Atlantis, and somebody mad about her taking over the world. And then her girlfriend bring her back but also Downside keep her so there two for a while and this before the Mommies fixing Downside so that one very unhappy but then they magic back together after she find her way Milliways."
Edie sends any context for that that she has that didn't get covered by the summary.