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"I mean, right, I guessed it was genetic, but...I mean, that seems like kind of a random thing to have happen?"


"Oh, hundreds years ago people colonize Samaria and put all technology computers everything away hiding and make angels by genetic engineering for control weather. But not telling everyone yet."


"You're genetically engineered? Wow, we don't even know for sure how mutants work. ...You have weather control powers?"


"Only on Samaria. Go up, singing weather songs, spaceship pretending be god do weather or put seeds or drop pills."


"Oh. Huh. ...Weather powers are a thing that exists, actually, Ororo's got them."


"Cool. I not have, is just telling spaceship to drop thing."


"How precise can the spaceship do? Ororo can do tiny microclimates to water plants and stuff."


Headshake. "Can't do. Do rain, sunshine, warm up, cool down, winds more or less, thunderbolts. Only, Mommy telling spaceship not give thunderbolts whenever song and check make sure with her instead."


"Ororo can do thunderbolts. She generally doesn't do it around people who might get hurt, though, she's pretty responsible, and if everyone with whatever gene you have can do weather stuff that seems like a good thing to restrict."


"Anyone can singing, if near enough ears. But easier for spaceship hear in sky. And easier for learning songs right growing up angel hold."


"Angel hold?"


"Are three. Eyrie, Monteverde, Cedar Hills. Angels live in. And mortals, more those even, but all angels."


"What's it like? ...Oh, Edie's finished with some of the clothes, she's going to dump them in your room and come meet us for dinner."


"Oh good. Eyrie is up inside mountain. So is Monteverde. Eyrie have singing all time all days, people sign up sing for hour take turns so always someone even nighttime. Cedar Hills on ground because Windy Point destroyed - thunderbolt from Archangel Gabriel because of bad things happen there. So Cedar Hills that province's angel hold now, on ground, like village."


"Oh wow, that's terrible. Archangel Gabriel? Um. I am extremely confused. You...said you didn't think there was a God in your universe?"


"No gods. Spaceship pretend being god actually spaceship. With AI. But not very smart AI. Jane ate it. It still work like before when she having accident though."


"And this results in people called the Archangel Gabriel."


"Is pretty normal angel name? Gabriel? Is one little older than Dars, now, in Monteverde, meet him when going visit there."


"I'm guessing this is all based on Earth mythology somehow? Considering that you mentioned a spaceship."


"Have an Earth," nods Pen. "Nobody live there no more. Huge huge war settlers were going from, kill most everybody, leave us alone though."

"Let's avoid that in this universe, shall we?"

"Oh, most worlds not do that even if having Earths and space things. Just ours."


"Well, that's good," Edie says, rounding the corner. "Emily filled me in on everything the two of you have been talking about. How many worlds have space things?"


"Ummm." Pen starts counting on her fingers, then furrows her brow. "Depends on what counting. Some. Um, world like this with mutants, Peace, have aliens and war with the aliens and the ones Mommy and Daddy there win it? And now colonizing planets."


"The other universe with mutants in it is far in the future...I wonder how things are going there with mutants' rights," she murmured. "I wonder if that universe ever had ones of us in it."

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