season two: in which the council notices our heroes
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He has put Angel in a cell that has a couch, and gotten him a cup of blood. 

"Hey, Faith. Nice to meet you. I'm Alex. This is Michael."


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Faith."


"Pleasure's all mine."

She whispers to Karen. "You didn't say the priest was hot."


"He also has super hearing."




"The Watcher's council mislaid Karen when she first became the Slayer, so she came to us for help. This summer we started working with the government - the people you ran into a bit ago - because this place was looking like it had more problems than we could handle ourselves. The Watcher's council eventually did send someone. He's dead. Spike turned him. He and Spike are both in the secret government facility up the road from here. If you take vampires alive, they'll take them off your hands. They're working on a chip implant that makes them not murderers, so we can let them go."


"Pretty hard to keep someone from murdering people if that's what they're into. I guess if they're locked up, but why bother, for most of 'em?"


"I mean, humans kinda suck too."




"Staking vampires is obviously the right thing to do in the absence of any good alternatives. But we won't get to any good alternatives if we're not working on them. And long-term, it seems better for us to have alternatives when we need them - it would've been terrible if Karen and Alex had been trying to kill Angel today, for instance -"


"Yeah, Angel, are you recovered enough to explain more what's the deal with that?"


"I think - which part - ?"


"don't know. We have a really impressive track record of torture and murder and so-on, we have a helpful guy living off rats in an alley, what're the missing pieces -"


"Got cursed. Stopped killing people."


"No, dude, you gotta tell it. - which is I guess rough on the gunshot wounds. All right, so a hundred years ago, the vampire Angelus feeds on this gypsy girl. He rapes her and tortures her to death, that's all business as usual. The rest of the gypsies get pissed about this, so their old witch lady lays a curse on our man Angel. She gives him back his soul, and all those pesky feelings he didn't have for so long. It hits him, you know, and he's like, fuck, I've been murdering people for more than a century, that's pretty shitty. So he stops killing, 'cause he feels so bad about it now. But he's really bad at everything else, see, and he wanders around being various levels of loser who can barely take care of himself. Enter yours truly, the vampire slayer, and Angel's like, hey, chick needs stuff killed, I'm good at killing stuff, maybe this works out."


" - awwww. That's great. And you two heard that Karen was in Sunnydale?"


"Yeah, you guys are hot stuff in the demon underworld or something. Watcher bit it and we figured we'd come down here and check it out."


"Well, it's good to have you. We've been stretched to our limits lately. And maybe Angel will have some thoughts when he has recovered - sorry about that - on how to catch Drusilla."


"Yeah, I don't know that one. Might have to wait for him to be back to his usual talkative self. Down to catch a psycho vamp chick, though."


"Alive. I promised her boyfriend."


"No. Uh, only in my heart. I do want her alive, though."


" - you know, whatever, sure."


"Also we have to help the mummy. If this is at all possible without getting a bunch of other people killed."


"Yeah, we gotta at least try. - The mummy has to drain peoples' life force, killing them, regularly or she turns back into a mummy. She's killed two people already."

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