Bella's not sure where she has wandered. She thought she was about to walk into a shop, but this appears to be an unattended bar. With none of the windows associated with the shop she thought she was entering. It could be an elaborate psychic assault of some kind, but it doesn't feel very... assault-y... and she was in the middle of a town and doesn't think any humans want to sic their 'mon on her. It's strange. She approaches the bar, looking around warily, hand hovering near her belt.
She does.
The floor starts to smoke under Fire's feet.
"Pull in your halo," says Shadow, giggling. Fire looks down and snorts. The flames wreathing his skin subside until some parts of him are actually visible through them, and the floor ceases to be imperiled.
"Hi, welcome to Milliways, it is a multiworld hub, the ultimate plan is to move you through my house to a remote part of Fairyland but for the time being most of the swiped elementals are flying around in the backyard."
"...Hey, you want a heal?" asks Shine.
"Who, me? I'm fine," shrugs Fire.
"You're not fine," mumbles Shadow, almost inaudibly.
"I am now."
"Amusement. And call me Revelation, because she does her thing with names so I'm not using my real one."
"They don't," says Earth. "I checked."
"Good for you," says Fire. He finally puts Shadow down and looks around. (Shadow continues hugging him.) "Hi, Revelation. I like your tail."
"How's that work?" asks Fire. (Snuggle snuggle. Nope, Shadow and Fire are not going to stop hugging anytime soon.)
"I'm a demon. Demons can make stuff, and that includes my wings and tail. And we're indestructible. Earlier Earth detached my wings to see if that counted as hurting me and then tried my tail to see if he could do it without me letting him; it seems like I'm still normal amounts of indestructible relative to elemental stuff."
"Huh," says Fire, absently petting Shadow's hair. "Can I try setting you on fire to see what happens?"
"Shine, can I get a heal if it's bad? If it's just a singe like it would be if I touched a hot stove it'll heal fine by itself but if it's nasty I'd rather not wait."
Revelation holds his hand out to the Fire. "If you can get past the first couple layers of skin that'll be plenty to prove that you are extra special on fire."
"Ow. Ow, okay, I don't think you're magically harmful but you're still hot, all done now."
Revelation shakes his hand through the air and it self-repairs. "Okay, I will be careful with elemental handshakes but not paranoid, good to know."
"Not if I'm not deliberately screwing around with myself. If I wanted to saw off my own hand at the wrist nothing's stopping me."
"You're weird," murmurs Shadow.
"It occurs to me," says Earth, "that there's nothing stopping us from finding the local alt of you two now. Unless she's under a scry ward at the moment."