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barring emergencies
Permalink Mark Unread

Bella's not sure where she has wandered. She thought she was about to walk into a shop, but this appears to be an unattended bar. With none of the windows associated with the shop she thought she was entering. It could be an elaborate psychic assault of some kind, but it doesn't feel very... assault-y... and she was in the middle of a town and doesn't think any humans want to sic their 'mon on her. It's strange. She approaches the bar, looking around warily, hand hovering near her belt.

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A pair of... people... walk in the same door that brought her.

One is wrapped in green leafy vines, in a roughly symmetrical pattern that just about barely conceals the parts of him that humans are expected to. He has more vines sprouting from his back, arranged in the shape of wings, with long feathery leaves. They move and stretch like real limbs. Tiny green tendrils twine through his hair.

The other has a similar height and general build, but a completely different peculiarity: he is wrapped in lightning. It crawls over his skin in tight crackling arcs and spreads out from his back and shoulders into wings shaped roughly like the vine man's, although the limitations of the medium mean that you can't really claim these ones have feathers.
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Well, her first guess is that these are Pokémon she's never heard of. Some Pokémon walk on two legs. Bella hates indoor battles and they aren't making challenging noises at her, but she lets Fireflower out, just in case. Fireflower tosses her mane.

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"Whoa, what the fuck?" says the lightning man. The vine man arches a wing protectively around him and gives Ace a curious look.

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Not Pokémon, then - or, exciting legendary talking ones. She pats Fireflower's neck.

"She's a Rapidash."
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"And what's one of those?" inquires the vine man.

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"They evolve from Ponyta. Fire-types, if it wasn't obvious. Uh, what are you?"

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"Earth and Lightning," says the vine man, gesturing respectively to himself and his friend. "If it wasn't obvious. Do you happen to know where we are?"

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"No, I just - got here myself, still figuring it out. I've never heard of you or seen anything like you before."

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"And neither have we heard of or seen anything like your Fire-horse," says Earth. "But you seem to be an ordinary human as far as I can tell, and we're familiar with those. That's interesting."

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"I'm a human. What's a horse?"

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"They resemble your Rapidash, minus the horn and with the fire replaced by hair in more or less the same locations and shapes. They're not magical in any way."

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"I don't know that I'd call Fireflower magical." These 'mon or aliens or whatever pretty clearly don't seem to want to attack her; Fireflower can go back in her ball. "You mean they're, like, Normal-type...?"

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"If I knew what Normal-type meant, perhaps I could answer that question," says Earth, smiling slightly.

Lightning seems to have become bored by this conversation and is holding Earth's hand and gazing around at the bar in general, wings folded to his back.
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"It's, uh, one of the Pokémon... types..."

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"And what's a Pokémon?"

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"...Fireflower is one. I've only got six on me but there's hundreds of species. They're, you know, the things that move around besides humans. Or they are where I'm from. Iiii'm guessing you guys aren't talking Pokémon after all?"

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"The things that move around besides humans where we're from are either animals or elementals, never both. Elementals resemble humans, with various halos - Fireflower looks a little bit like a horse with a Fire halo. Horses are a species of animal. Apart from Fire, Earth, and Lightning, the other single elements are Adamant, Air, Glass, Ice, Shadow, Shine, Stone, Water, and Wood."

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"Huh. Some of those are also Pokémon types - ice and water and fire. And some of the others are close. But yeah, you are not Pokémon. Sorry for thinking you might be."

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"Is that the sort of thought one apologizes for?" asks Earth.

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"I would be mildly put out if I were mistaken for one? I'm not sure how that would happen, but if it did. I'd be more put out if they thought I was one long enough to attack me or try to capture me."

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The end of that sentence attracts Lightning's interest; he looks at her. It's hard to tell his expression under all the lightning, but his posture is somewhat aggressive. Earth squeezes his hand, drapes a leafy wing around his shoulders, and otherwise ignores him in favour of the conversation.

"Are attack and capture the usual responses to Pokémon?"
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"Well, you'll notice I didn't have Fireflower try to set you on fire right away, and I don't even want any more, I have six - if you don't have your 'mon attack a wild one that gets in your space, though, it'll basically kill you unless you're very lucky. People who don't have at least one 'mon of their own pretty much can't leave cities."

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Lightning snorts. His halo throws sparks, which dissipate harmlessly where they fall on Earth.

"That sounds... inconvenient," murmurs Earth. "Thank you for not trying to set us on fire."
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"You're welcome. I hate indoor battles anyway, unless they're in adequately sized purpose-built stadiums, those are okay."

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"Oh, I guess if you don't have Pokémon - they're good for keeping the wildlife off you but lots of people also battle them recreationally and to get them stronger so they're more effective at the wildlife thing. I enter tournaments sometimes to stay in good guild standing, I'm not great at it but I'm all right - mostly mine spar with each other or wild ones, though, I travel a lot."

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"Hmm," says Earth. Lightning shifts restlessly and looks like he might perhaps be about to say something. Earth wing-hugs him a little more firmly, and he subsides.

"How intelligent are Pokémon, in comparison to humans?" asks Earth.
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"Depends heavily on the 'mon. Mostly by individual, not species. My smartest is Zag. Except for legendaries basically none of them can talk, unless you count Chatot, but those are dumb as bricks and just do mimicry."

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"And what's a legendary?"

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"'Mon that you can't prove exist but that there are stories about, basically. Now and then you'll hear of a really bright Meowth or something picking up some human language, but it's - tabloid stuff, I'm not sure whether to buy it or not, Zag's quite bright and doesn't talk."

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"It's an interesting world you seem to have," says Earth. "Very different from ours. Did I understand you right when you seemed to imply earlier that there's no magic, or nothing you're used to calling magic, there?"

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"We don't usually call 'mon and the things they do magic. Magic's a fantasy stories thing. But some 'mon powers are big and poorly understood enough that people call it that as a shorthand. Fireflower's just... firey, but, like, my Dusk has a psychic attack, that's more arguable."

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"Elementals and the things we can do are generally considered magical, and there are humans who use magic as well," says Earth.

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"I'd need to know more to account for that. Come to think of it, it's pretty strange that we can understand each other."

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"Not exceptionally strange, to me," says Earth. "Elementals speak all the languages that exist on the planet when we coaelsce. I'm used to being able to understand most people. But you're right, it is a little odd. I wonder if it's a property of this place? Seems likely."

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"Maybe. I have no idea what it is. It looks like a bar, but..." She shrugs, and sits on a barstool.

It is a bar, agrees a napkin.

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Earth lets go of Lightning and walks closer to study the napkin.

"That's unexpected," he observes mildly.
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"A bit, yeah. Uh, hi?"

Hello. I'm the bar. First drink is free, says a new napkin.

"Uh... nice."
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"Does that apply to us, too?" asks Earth.

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Of course.

"How about my 'mon?"

I don't see why not.
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"Lightning," says Earth, "the nice talking bar is offering us a free drink each."

"Huh," says Lightning. "Isn't that nice of it. What's the catch?"
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I'm a she, napkins the bar. No catch.

"I'll take a, hmmm, an aspear slush for me and," she lets out a small dark 'mon with yellow markings, "Dusk likes aguav juice."

She gets two drinks.

Dusk laps up about half of his, and then is distracted by the elementals. He hops off his barstool and goes up to Earth, ears and nose and tail all twitching.

"You can pet him if you like, Dusk's friendly."
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"Hello," says Earth, leaning down to pet the creature. His leaves rustle.

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"Umbrrrr," says Dusk. He puts his forepaws on Earth's knee as though considering trying to climb him. He is soft.

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Pet pet pet. (Earth is very gentle.)

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"Do you want to see the others?"

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"I don't know," says Earth, smiling. "Do they want to see me?"

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"Of mine, Fireflower's the least friendly, and you've seen her. They wouldn't all fit in here if it were crowded, but it's not." And she releases her Pidgeot, Sawsbuck, Mienshao, and Linoone. "Rachis, Branch, Juu, and Zag," she says, scooping up the latter into her lap. "Maybe don't try to pet Rachis. Zag'll have a sweet egg milk," she tells Bar. Zag seems very excited about the phrase 'sweet egg milk'.

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Lightning spreads his crackling wings and backs away a few steps when there begin to be more creatures present. Earth continues to pet the Umbreon.

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Zag drinks his sweet egg milk. Dusk gets tired of being petted and finishes his juice. Branch looks around confusedly. Juu starts preening Rachis's feathers. Rachis seems to find Lightning intimidating, which Zag notices when he's done with his beverage and has slid out of his trainer's lap; he gets between the bird and the elementals and throws tiny little sparks of his own, chattering.

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Lightning makes what in context can probably be assumed to be a rude gesture in Zag's direction. Earth gives him a mildly reproving look.

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"Rachis is flying-type and they're vulnerable to electric attacks," explains the trainer, hopping off her barstool to pet her bird. "Hey, pretty girl, he doesn't wanna hurt you. You wanna go back?"

"Pidge," says the 'mon.

The girl interprets this as a yes and puts her back in her ball.
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"Nor could he have hurt her if he wanted to," says Earth.

"You shut up," says Lightning.
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"No? You aren't as lightningy as you look?"

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Lightning makes a rude gesture at Earth, who ignores it.

"We're magically prevented from causing harm to most things," Earth explains.
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"Oh. Huh. ...Uh, why?"

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"It's standard practice, when humans are dealing with elementals, to magically prevent us from doing anything they might not like us to."

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"That... sounds... very carefully phrased?"

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"Does it?" He shrugs. "I'm not used to having to explain this, and it's hard to find the right words."

"So don't bother," suggests Lightning.
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The girl puts Branch and Juu away and picks up Zag again and sits back down. "All the explanations that are coming to mind are literally from fantasy books, I don't know how to interpret what you're saying or if it'd offend you if I guessed wrong."

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"Assume I am impossible to offend," says Earth. "And that Lightning is so fundamentally offended by the situation itself that anything you say isn't going to make a difference one way or another."

"Pretty much," says Lightning.
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"Okay, so - are elementals really dangerous without the magic on you, or something, and that's a deal you have to make to get anything from humans, or...?"

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"We don't get anything from humans," says Lightning.

"Accidentally releasing elementals has tended to be very dangerous in the past, but I don't think that's nearly as unavoidable as most humans seem to believe. If they didn't bind us to amulets and force us to do magic for them, perhaps we'd be less inclined to act out destructively when unexpectedly given the opportunity."
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"Yes," says Earth.

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"There's... probably nothing I can do about that, is there?"

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"Well, not unless you want to steal a bunch of amulets, bring them here, and break them," says Lightning.

"Which we're not even sure you can do, because you probably can't do magic," says Earth. "Stealing a bunch of amulets and bringing them here without breaking them would be a dubious improvement at best."
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"All I've got going for me is my 'mon and I don't know how your world's magic would interact with them."

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"I doubt they could break an amulet," says Earth. "And I certainly don't know any ways to find out that don't involve stealing one first."

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"I take it amulets don't break unless you do magic to them."

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"I've never heard of an amulet breaking while it wasn't being used. As far as I know, it's not possible. And I don't think you can use an amulet, because there's no reason to think you can do any magic at all if it doesn't even exist in your world."

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"Yeah, probably. That sucks. I wonder if - Bar, can people go to other people's worlds from here?"

If a native of the destination world holds the door, yes.

"I don't know how much that would help, but..."
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"If we went to yours, you mean? I'm not sure it would," says Earth. "It might be better to wait here and see if someone else shows up who seems like they could break an amulet and wouldn't mind stealing one."

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"Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm not sure how much you'd like it in my world anyway, somebody might throw a Pokéball at you and wild 'mon would probably attack you and just like you don't know if I can do magic I don't know if you can train 'mon, the ability to do that varies even in my world among humans."

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"That too, yes," says Earth. "Although elementals are immortal, so being attacked by wild 'mon might still be preferable to what we get at home."

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"How'd you manage to be immortal?"
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"'Manage' implies a successful effort of some kind. It's just how we are," shrugs Earth. "We don't age, and we can be hurt or injured but not killed."

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"Can humans do that too where you're from?"

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"No. It's not a 'do', it's a 'be'."

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"There's such a thing as magical healing..."

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"Color me fascinated."

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"Earth healing is one of my particular specialties, and I know how healing works with the other relevant elements. I can tell you all about it if you like."

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"...but I can't use it, and you're not coming to my world, and I don't really like the idea of haring off and abandoning mine unless - Bar? How easy is it to get home if you leave your world?"

That depends entirely on how often you get doors. This varies considerably person to person and most people don't receive them on demand.

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"If I succeeded at getting someone to free a lot of elementals here, you might be able to convince some of us to come to your world then," says Earth. "In which case it would be handy to know at least a little about which ones can do which things."

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"Okay. Do you think you can in fact convince somebody to do that?"

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"I have no idea," he says. "I've only met one person here so far. I don't know how likely it is that someone else might show up who could help, or how likely it is that they'd want to, or if it's even meaningful to ask how likely those things are in a place this strange."

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"Well, if you knew somebody at home who might come in - since Bar says you can hold the door - Bar, can they let more people in?"

Yes, if those people can be communicated with while the door is held.

"Then that would affect your confidence, probably. But if you're just waiting here I guess it depends on bar traffic."
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"The list of people at home who I might trust to do anything helpful whatsoever is very short, and I think she's out of town at the moment."

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"Dang. Bar, is it usually more crowded than this?"

Often, yes. I don't control the comings and goings of the door so I can't make predictions or take requests.

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Earth shrugs.

"We can wait, anyway."
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"Bar, when drinks aren't free what do they cost?"

Moderate prices in appropriate currencies. Yours would have been ¥75.

"Do elementals need to eat?"
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"No," says Earth. "We can, but it doesn't hurt us not to."

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"Oh, then you're probably good to camp out here forever, lucky you."

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"Yes. It might be convenient if we could find somewhere to sleep..."

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There are rooms available for rent, but they cost money, too. However, sleeping on the couches or in the backyard area is permissible as long as they aren't incompatibly occupied at the time. You might be more likely to find your rest disturbed.

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"Thank you," says Earth. "That seems all right, then."

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"There's a backyard?"

Yes, the door in front of and to the left of you leads to a lawn with a forest and lake adjoining and mountains surrounding.

"Innnnteresting. But people who don't want to sleep outside or on the couch basically can't stay here?"

They can take work shifts, which entitle them to rooms and in some cases stipends.

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"That sounds potentially useful," says Earth. "How would we arrange that sort of thing?"

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I'm authorized to hire qualified applicants for janitorial and security shifts.

"Who qualifies for those?"

Most people, including all three of you, qualify for janitorial work, although they will not receive their compensation if they don't actually perform it. Security requires the ability to subdue a significant fraction of possibly irascible patrons if they begin fighting; whoever or whatever arranges the doors ensures that the personnel on-duty and that fraction rather than other populations coexist reliably.

"Can I see, like, a pamphlet on Security? - Do I qualify? With the 'mon?"

You could legitimately accept a Security job. A pamphlet!
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"Would we qualify for Security if we were free?" inquires Earth. "For that matter, would we now?"

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If you were free, yes. As it is, no, I'm afraid that is unlikely, although an existing Security representative can administer a finer-grained assessment if you like.

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"Well. Thank you anyway. I wouldn't mind cleaning things," says Earth.

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When there's more of a mess to be had, I'll provide cleaning supplies. You can have, she produces a key, room 033 on a provisional basis.

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Earth picks up the key and tucks it into his vines.

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The girl finishes scanning the pamphlet, and then says that she'd like to sign on for a Security job, and the bar gives her room 013 and a beeper tells her where to find the relevant office when her beeper announces her shift is about to start. Apparently that time is not right now.

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"Did you want to hear about elemental healing?"

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"Yes please."

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"There are... hmm, I'll say eight elements with healing applications. Earth, Water, Fire, Stone, Adamant, Shine, Lightning, and Ice. Earth healing is the most common and the cheapest, but you have to understand what you're doing to use it properly. I had to learn a lot about how human bodies work to be able to heal as well as I do, even though I'm reasonably powerful for an Earth. My healing mostly helps with fixing injuries. Water healing can't do much for those, but it cures illness and poisoning. Stone and Adamant can be used to mend or reinforce bones. Fire healing won't do much for serious immediate problems, but it makes healthy people healthier and slows aging, and someone who's already recovering from something will recover faster with a little Fire, and you don't need to have much more than a broad clue what you're doing in order to use it. Shine can heal anything up to and including someone who has been dead for a few minutes, no skill required, as long as there's enough left of the patient's brain - but it takes immense amounts of power, so it's reserved for people who really need it. Most humans with even very strong Shine affinities don't have enough power to do Shine healing without using an elemental."

Earth glances at Lightning, who contributes, "Lightning doesn't really heal, but as long as somebody isn't too dead for Shine, I can keep them alive no matter what's wrong with them. At least until I run out of power. It takes a lot."

"And Ice can freeze someone to preserve them indefinitely in whatever state they're in, which takes less power than maintaining them with Lightning and doesn't need to be maintained once it's done, but in about one of a hundred cases the unfreezing kills them."
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She takes notes on everything.

"That's really cool," sighs the girl.
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Earth smiles. "I like healing."

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"Does this all work just the same on humans and elementals and - 'animals'?"

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"Elementals can be healed most easily using their own element, and some things aren't applicable to us because we can't die and our bodies aren't always very much like human bodies. Shine works on all of us, but I couldn't do much for an injured Stone or Air. I think healing humans isn't very different from healing animals, except that depending on the animal, an Earth or Water might need to know different things to help them."

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She writes this down too. "And 'mon are probably more like animals than humans or elementals, I guess?"

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"Seems like it," Earth agrees.

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"But maybe a little elemental-y. Mine aren't hurt at the moment, or I might want to have you check them out if you could do that safely."

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"And I'd want to know more about them and how they're put together before I tried anything more than healing very minor surface injuries."

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"Yeah, Pokécenter's probably a better bet unless I'm in the middle of nowhere and Rachis has a busted wing and I somehow manage to find a door."

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"A Pokécenter being... some sort of non-magical Pokémon hospital?" he guesses.

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"Yeah - see, when 'mon are in their balls they're sort of simplified in ways I don't actually understand and there's machines that can make repairs to them pretty easily and then they're all better, no waiting time or blowing your money on Potions and stuff, so every town bigger than like three houses together in the woods has a Pokémon center."

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"Convenient," says Earth. "But the machines aren't very portable?"

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"They're not, in the field you need regular medicines."

The conversation peters out. The girl loiters in the bar long enough for all of her 'mon except the skittish Rachis to receive their free drinks, and for her to receive a grilled sandwich, and then, muttering about how she hopes the Security job helps her find the place again sooner rather than later, lets herself out.
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Earth and Lightning exchange some silent commentary, and then Earth turns to Bar and asks, "Is it usual to find people here who strongly resemble people we already know?"

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Sometimes that happens, but not to everyone. Some of them only look alike and others have deep and thorough similarities. And some of the second kind don't look alike.

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"Interesting. Thank you," says Earth.

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You're welcome.

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The two elementals decide to go investigate the outdoor area, for completeness's sake. They spend a few hours out there before coming back inside.

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Where they find sitting at the bar and having an animated conversation therewith - yet another one. This one's prepubescent and dressed differently and is asking if the doors can be summoned "- maybe with academic magic? Or since it's doors wood magic, I think there's wood magic."

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...Lightning starts snickering.

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The girl looks up before reading her reply napkin.

And tilts her head -

- and beams at Lightning.
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"...Huh?" says Lightning. (This is not a reaction he tends to get from most people.)

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"You're all - sparky!" she exclaims, sliding carefully off her bar stool. "It looks fun, how do you do it? What are you? Are you an elemental?"

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"But I'm not sure we're the kind of elemental you mean," says Earth. "We might be, but we might not."
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"Oh, right. I think there are elementals where I'm from but I've never seen one in person - are you a plant?" she asks Earth. "Or something?"

She is clearly less interested in the possibility that somebody is a plant than the possibility that somebody is lightningy.
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"I'm an Earth. A different kind of elemental from Lightning."

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"Huh. I don't think you can be kinds from home, then, plants and earth are separate things there, one of my teachers does plants." She looks up at Lightning. "Can I hug you?"

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"...Sure," says Lightning.

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She giggles and hugs him tighter. Electricity accumulates in her hair and dances along her skin.
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That's weird.

Lightning turns up his halo, just to see what happens.
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The girl bursts out into uproarious laughter as more sparks engulf her.

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"What even are you," giggles Lightning.

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"I'm a weather mage!"

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"You're making my halo tickle!"

He ruffles her hair. Sparks happen.
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Lightning scoops her up.

(Earth is keeping his distance, unsure whether the little girl's borrowed halo of sparks will treat him the same way Lightning's does.)
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She doesn't object at all.

"You've got wings, do they work, can you fly? I might be able to make wind pick me up but it seems like it'll be really hard and I'll have to practice a lot."
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"They work. I fly. Wanna see?"

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So he carries her outside, and flaps his wings - they crackle louder when he moves them - and flies.

Earth follows them out, but stays on the ground.
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Stormy whoops at the top of her lungs and holds on tight.

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Whee! Flying!

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"I bet you fly around all the time, I would fly around all the time if I could," cackles Stormy. "Except I'd run out of energy if I did it with wind probably so I couldn't."
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"I fly around sometimes," Lightning agrees. "It's pretty great."

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"Was it hard to learn?"

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"Lucky! You get to be lightningy and fly. I bet you can't be the sky though."

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Swoop. "What's it mean to be the sky?"

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"Eeeee! - it's when I put my magic up and it's like I'm, well, the sky, being the clouds and the air and the sunshine and everything. It's best during big storms. I'm supposed to only do it in a magic circle so I don't leak magic everywhere and not go more than a few miles away from my body, though."

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"I don't think our magic does that," says Lightning.

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"Most people's magic doesn't do it at home either. I'm not the only weather mage ever but we're really rare."

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"What are your elementals like?"

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"I've never met one and don't know a whole lot about them. One of my teachers knew a mountain, I think."

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"...A mountain?"

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"Or like the middle of the mountain or something. I think it was an elemental that spent most of its time being a mountain."

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"I don't think my kind of elementals spend any time being mountains, even if they're Stone."

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"I don't know why the kind from my world would bother, it doesn't seem like mountains do enough to need people to be them. I might have remembered it wrong, anyway."

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"Maybe the kind who be mountains are just really, really boring people?" he suggests.

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"Maybe. Or maybe they can be mountains and sleep at the same time."

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"Must be some nap," opines Lightning.

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"Yeah. So they'd still have to be kind of boring, they'd miss all the stuff."

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"Meh. If I could turn into a rock and sleep for a hundred years, I might do it," says Lightning.

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"Why? You can fly."

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"It's a long, depressing story," he says, angling into a lazily spiraling glide.

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"I don't think I'd want to only ever be the sky for a hundred years straight, but I'd like it if I could do it instead of sleeping or something."

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"And you can't?"

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"No, I still have to sleep normally. So I just go up for an hour or two every day from my hammock because one of my teachers put the safety circle around it."

Stormy eventually needs to be put down - one of the annoying things she needs to do for the part of her which is not the sky is eat, and she can't even get a meal from Bar because she doesn't have any spending money on her. She gathers up the napkins she collected from Bar with explanations before the elementals spotted her, and lets herself out, wistful.
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Well then.

Lightning takes the room key from Earth and goes off to have a nap. Earth stays in the main bar area to see who turns up next.
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After some traffic which includes no mysterious duplicates of Maurabel, the crowd thins out again, and here is another mysterious duplicate. This one is about the same age as the one with the Pokémon, but skinnier and redheaded and paler, and in yet another stylistically unrelated sort of clothing. She seems pretty bewildered.

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"Hello," says Earth.

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"...hi. Uh, where am I?"

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"A very weird magic place called Milliways."

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"It's, uh, very weird and magic. Why am I in a weird magic place called Milliways?"

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"Apparently it just does that," he says, shrugging. His leaves rustle.

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"Okay. Next question. Are you a plant?"

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"I'm an Earth. I'm not a plant, but my wings and halo are."

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"Okay. I didn't think you were entirely a plant, but it seemed politer to ask than to check any other way I could think of. I'm a plant," she volunteers, "I don't tell people that at home but this is sufficiently bizarre that I don't think it can possibly hurt anything."

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"You look more like a human than a plant to me," Earth observes. "But stranger things have happened."

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"Yeah, I don't know, like, why I am a plant, since I turned up on Chris's doorstep mysteriously when I was like three and had amnesia, but I perk up in the sunshine and have to avoid salt and if you prick me I do not exactly bleed."

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"Well then. I guess you're a plant," he says. "Did you know I've seen two other people here with almost exactly your face? I'm told that's been known to happen, but I am not told why or what it means."

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"Huh. Who told you that's been known to happen?"

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"The bar." He points. "She's very helpful. Communicates through napkins."

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"...Okay. The plant approaches the bar. "...Hello."

Hello. Can I interest you in a beverage? First drink is free.

"Not right now, maybe later... there are people who look like me?"



In the case of the ones Earth met, they're your 'alts', or alternate universe versions of yourself.

"Huh. Are they plants?"

The ones who visited recently were not, no. I cannot guarantee that you are the only plant out of all of your alts anywhere ever.
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"And there's another one attending the university at home, but I don't know for sure that she's an alt of yours," says Earth. "I suspect so, though."

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"Well, what's she like?"

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Earth considers this question, then settles on, "Unusually nice."

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"Huh. I don't really consider niceness my defining feature. My sister's better with people than I am. The other ones you met here, the bar says they're my alts, did you talk to them enough to guess if they're hers?... I'm assuming althood is transitive. Bar?"

Ordinary forms of althood, yes. More exotic forms of parallelism exist but are not at play in what I've observed here.
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"There seems to be a certain commonality," he says. "I don't think niceness is a defining feature of Maurabel's either; I think it's a product of her environment."

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"What do you mean? Oh, also, what's your name, I'm Katie."

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"I don't have a personal name. You can just call me Earth," he says with a slight shrug. "In my world, humans can capture elementals and force us to do magic for them. There are entire industries built on the practice. Maurabel is one of the few humans around who sees something wrong with it. I don't think I'd consider her unusually nice if it weren't for the contrast."

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"Most people don't see anything wrong with that? Where I'm from slavery's been illegal for a long time."

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"They don't call it slavery when it's elementals. They don't call it anything in particular. It's just how things are done. It's what we're considered to be for," he says, shrugging again.

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"Yes," agrees Earth. "Maurabel has just about the same reaction, but she can't do much about it except treat us as much like people as she possibly can."

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"Is she planning on doing something?"

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"I'm sure she is. She hasn't told me if she's thought of anything specific, besides buying an elemental from the university when she graduates."

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"And - are there free ones? Is that magically possible? I don't know how this works."

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"We start out free. Many of us still are. Humans find us in the wild and capture us and bind us to amulets. It's possible to break an amulet, but I've only ever heard of it happening by accident."

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"But she's got to be planning to do that, right, not just buy one and keep them?"

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"Breaking an amulet is considered a very dangerous thing to do. I don't know if there are any of us that she trusts enough to be sure they wouldn't kill her and everyone else in sight and then flee, which has historically been what happened whenever an elemental got loose by accident."

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"Oh. Yeah, if that happens every time that would be, uh, a deterrent." Pause. "I want to meet her."

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"I'm under the impression that would be difficult to arrange," he says. "For one thing, she's not in town right now."

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"Yeah, maybe I can't. Alas. I mean, at least you can be here instead of - who owns you or are you a free one?"

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"The university. They have a little collection - at least a few of every element - for the magic students to borrow."

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"I guess that... seems like something that would happen."

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"What's the magic like, do you have to be born with it or what?"

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"Humans are born with different levels of affinity for different elements. Elementals aren't born at all, we coaelsce, but we come in varying power levels too. Not all humans can do magic, but it's pretty common."

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"So I probably can't learn any."

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"I very much doubt it."

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"Rats. Oh well."

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He shrugs.

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The conversation peters out. Katie quizzes Bar, takes notes, collects napkins, accepts a Sprite, and goes out again.

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Lightning finishes his nap. They sit together on a couch and wonder if another Maurabel is going to show up, and what she'll be like if she does.

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Well, next is this random dude with wings and a tail in lieu of wearing a shirt. He looks pretty damn confused, which is something of a theme.

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Earth approaches to investigate.

"Let me guess, you were expecting somewhere else?"
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"My swimming pool. What's the story? What are you, that doesn't look like the sort of cosmetics you do on a whim because you saw it in a magazine."

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He smiles. "I'm an Earth. This is a weird magic place called Milliways. What are you?"

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"I'm a demon. I'm going to guess you haven't heard of demons any more than I've heard of Earths in the form of talking winged humanoids as opposed to planets."

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"Planets? That's a new one. Earth is a type of elemental from my world. Lightning is another." He points at the couch; Lightning sits up and waves. "And in much the same way that I'm not a planet, I'm going to assume you're not a mythical creature speculated to be a wild misinterpretation of early encounters with elementals."

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"I am not that thing. Demons were for a while widely considered mythical but now we are not. The planet most humans live on is named 'Earth'. Uh, in my first language, which I'm suddenly not at all confident you're also speaking."

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"Yes, there seems to be some sort of translation effect active here. Most humans? What happened to the rest?"

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"Some of 'em live on the moon and another planet in the same solar system now."

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"I see. Did they run out of room or are they just very adventurous?"

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"Little of column A..."

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"Aha." He smiles again. "And what's your magic like?"

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"Demons can make stuff. Arbitrary nonmagical stuff adequately specified."

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"That's an interesting ability to have. Is that all the magic your world has?"

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"Nah, there's also angels and fairies. And parlor tricks. And summoning. Angels change stuff, fairies move stuff, parlor tricks are stupid and tiny, and summoning moves demons, angels, and fairies from where we spend most of our time to the mortal world so they can get us to do stuff for them."

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"...'Get' as in...? Coax, coerce, trade?"

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"Trade, by and large. We don't have to show up to summons if we don't want. A summoner who was a huge jerk could just sort of leave a summon parked in their circle without making a deal or sending 'em home but that doesn't happen that I've personally heard of."

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"I see. Lucky you. With elementals it's coerce - humans have the ability to bind us to amulets that let them make us do whatever they want, which usually amounts to more magic than they could accomplish by themselves."

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"Wow, that sucks. Annnnnd because human populations are a reasonably large fraction total jerk this happens every Tuesday?"

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"There is no such thing as a free elemental in contact with humans. Either we're out of their reach or someone is using us."

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"Yes," agrees Earth.

Lightning gets up and wanders over to Bar and asks, "Is this another one?"
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"Another one what?"

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"Yep," reports Lightning.

"We've been meeting a large number of alternate versions of the same person today," Earth explains. "The previous four have been girls. You were starting to sound a little familiar, so Lightning wanted to check; apparently the bar can tell who is a duplicate of whom."
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"Familiar how? Duplicate how?"

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"I'm not sure I could describe the familiarity. Our local version's attitude towards elementals is very unusual at home, much less so here. But the other alts we met here have tended to share it, and share it in a... certain way. As for 'duplicate how', I'm not sure I understand the question and I probably couldn't answer it if I did. I've only been here for part of a day."

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"Okay... uh, Bar? Duplicate how?"

Alternate universe versions of you. Can I interest you in a beverage? First one's free.

"I've... got that covered, but thanks."

I am not limited to beverages you are likely to ever hear about in your home universe.

"...That changes things. Let's get something snazzy and exotic."

Something snazzy, exotic, and pink appears. With an umbrella. The demon sips it. "Okay, that's awesome, thank you."
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"We've been hoping all day to find someone who might be able to steal and break a large number of elemental amulets, but that's seeming less and less likely," says Earth.

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"Why doesn't your local version do it?"

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"Breaking elemental amulets usually leads to the newly freed elemental doing a lot of destructive magic to anyone and anything nearby and then running away. I believe that's because no one breaks them on purpose and breaking them by accident tends to happen during stressful moments. But it's a discouraging statistic if you're a human who wants to free some elementals."

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"I," remarks Cam amiably, "an am immortal indestructible demon."

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"Do you think you could break an elemental amulet? As far as I know they're not susceptible to physical force, that's the tricky part."

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"No idea. I'm also not sure if I'm invulnerable to magical harm. There isn't any on offer in my world."

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"And we can't test that here under relatively safe conditions because Lightning and I are still bound to our amulets and can't harm anyone. I suppose you could go find Maurabel and talk to her about cooperating somehow on a large-scale elemental theft... I don't know where she is at the moment, though, besides not at school. And you would stand out very obviously at home, with the wings. People would probably try to classify you as a new hybrid elemental. Someone might even try to capture you, and I have no idea what would happen then."

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"I could cut the wings off."

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"That sounds uncomfortable."

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"Nah, I made 'em without any nerves at the base joints. It'd be messy, but it won't feel like anything. But if you don't know where to find Maurabel..."

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"She's probably not that far, but my element doesn't scry well and neither does his," with a gesture at Lightning. "So 'not at school' is the best I can do. You could come through and wait for her to come back to school, but apparently you'd be risking never finding your way here again."

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"That... would be displeasing but not catastrophic, if it turns out that I'm not going to be magically attacked in ways I can't handle. And if anybody in your world writes books."

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"I can guarantee the books. I can't guarantee the other part."

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"Yeah. Bar, can I get a rundown on how the door works?"

He gets a rundown on how the bar works.

"There anybody else within shouting or one-of-you-holds-door-other-retrieves-person distance of your door?"
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"Anyone else likely to help, you mean? Well, I could find one of the other university elementals and ask them to scry for Maurabel... there are a few who might. Humans I'd trust to be helpful, though - no, none of those."

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"Any obvious drawbacks to getting a university elemental to scry for Maurabel?"

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"It involves an amount of time spent holding open a door and hoping no one wanders by and investigates. I can't think of specific negative consequences for somebody from the university finding this place, but I have the general feeling it wouldn't be a positive contribution."

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"Can any of them do a safe little test on how magically vulnerable I am?"

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"No. The university's very strict about what restrictions need to be in place at all times."

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"Damn. I mean, I could theoretically threaten the humans, but I'm not really about that..."

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The door opens again.

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Earth looks over at it.

Lightning, being closer to Bar, asks: "That's another one, right?"
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"Excuse me?"
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"I look like a five foot tall fairy when I'm a girl?"

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"No, the other ones of comparable apparent age were taller and didn't have wings," says Earth. "Although one of them was some kind of plant creature visually indistinguishable from an ordinary human. Hello," he adds in the newcomer's direction. "This is a weird magic place called Milliways and that is an alternate universe version of you and we're discussing how to rescue some people in my world from magically enforced servitude."

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"None of you tell me your names," she says, "it causes magically enforced servitude."
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"Thank you," says Earth. "Does it count if the name I'm usually called is the default used for every single elemental of my type who isn't otherwise named and is also the name of my element? It could be very awkward to conceal it if so."

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"I have no idea, no previous examples."

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"Are nicknames safe?"

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"Yeah. Mine's Promise."

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"Right, call me Revelation."

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"Given how our local version acts when she has my amulet, I'm not especially worried about telling you mine as a test," says Earth.

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"If you want to, and we need the information for some reason, I won't stop you, although then you probably want to avoid being in a room with me and anybody who can get my name or otherwise vassalize me. Uh, how do we know that me and him and this other person and so on are the same... personality or whatever?"

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Revelation opens his mouth and gestures at the bar, rethinks what he was about to say, and says, "Informative napkins, but it's possible you shouldn't interact with their source."

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"Hmm. Yes," says Earth.

"Unless you happen to know you're safe from the thing," says Lightning to Bar. "Do you happen to know you're safe from the thing?"
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I will be quite all right, but your worry is touching, says Bar. It will likewise be entirely safe for her to accept her free beverage and any she cares to otherwise obtain directly from me.

"She says it's fine," Cam reports. "Both ways, beverages included."
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"Okay. And you were so concerned because?"

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"The bar's name is Bar."

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"Are beverages usually a problem?" wonders Earth.

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"There are two ways for my kind of magical servitude to happen - learning somebody's real name, or feeding them. The feeding thing is mostly a problem between fairies and mortals - I can go foraging and not worry if somebody has some long lost claim to a tree I pick nuts from or something as long as I'm not actually stealing - but I wouldn't take food from a strange sort of person without being sure."

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"Well. Would you like to help us out?" inquires Earth. "If so, I should probably tell you my element, because it's not very likely that you could interact with elementals for long without learning someone's."

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"I think I want to know more about what's going on first, but I am generally opposed to the servitude thing and haven't got anywhere with my world's version yet."

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"In my world, there are elementals and humans. Elementals have wings and halos, like my vines or his sparks, and are very magically powerful in our own element; magic-using humans have affinities for multiple elements, but can do much less with them than we can. Magic-using humans can also create amulets that bind elementals to obey whoever last touched them. Elementals can't interfere directly at all with our own or others' amulets. Humans consider it unsafe to let any elementals go free, and we're very valuable and useful for doing magic with, so they capture any of us that they find. My friend and I are part of a university collection, and we've been trying to find someone who seems like they might be able to steal and break all the amulets in the collection. But I don't know if it's possible to break an amulet without using my world's magic to do it."

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"If I got the name of a human who could do magic, I could make them do it, but I wouldn't want the human to get hurt following my orders."

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"If you stole all the amulets and brought the elementals here and explained everything to them first, that might not be much of a problem. Humans think we're unavoidably destructive, but I don't. I would avoid surprising busy elementals with sudden freedom, particularly if they're upset or traumatized, which we frequently are, but I think we have the chance to do a much better job than that."

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"The human will probably be upset and traumatized regardless, but I suppose I can put them back afterwards? How does the door work?"

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Cam hands her his rundown on the mechanics involved.

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"So - where are you, exactly?" she asks the elementals.

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"We were just coming back into the building where the university elementals are kept when we're not in use. If I hold the door and someone walks out and goes around front, and deals with the amulet-minder somehow, they could take all the amulets right off their hooks. You might want a bag to put them in so nobody sees you carrying off a double armload of amulets before you get back here."

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"Are there none checked out right now?"

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"I'm not completely sure, but I think so."

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"Stroke of luck. You know the minder's name for Promise?"

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"The shift could have changed while we were out, and I'm not sure I remember who it was... either of us," with a gesture to Lightning, "would probably recognize who it was, but we might not know them by name, just by sight. You could chat with them a bit and find out that way, I guess. It would probably have to be you, wings off and tail hidden, because if Promise walks around the university with those wings she'll be mistaken for a new kind of Earth hybrid and there'll be a frenzy to capture her."

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"I will?"

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He spreads his wings illustratively.

"Hybrid elementals tend to share characteristics with their component elements. You have very Earthish wings, and no Earth halo."
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"I do not," she observes, "appear to relevantly know your name - which might be bad, in my world if you start with no name someone else can name you."

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He folds his wings and shrugs. "If you think you're at all likely to accidentally name some elementals, you can try me first and see what happens."

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"You're sure you don't want to go off with your friend and name each other? I can't name someone by accident and apparently it doesn't happen much in your world to worry about my overhearing."

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"If you happened to acquire my magically enforced servitude I have the strong expectation that you wouldn't do anything with it whatsoever - and I'm already volunteering at least one presently-unknown human from my world for the same thing, if we go through with this plan. So if it's worth knowing whether or not you can name elementals, we might as well find it out."

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"Okay. Any preferences?"

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He shrugs again.

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"That's pretty," he says. "Did it work?"

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"No. Congratulations."

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"That's heartening for everyone else's sake, anyway. And now I can tell you people's elements without worrying that they might object. Hmm. So - one of me or Lightning opens and holds the door; whichever one is holding it, the other one goes around to see if the current amulet-minder is someone we know; if so, we tell their name to Promise, who commands them not to interfere while a de-winged and perhaps re-clothed Revelation heads out to grab all the amulets and stuff them in a bag. If not, the same thing but Revelation does a first run to chat with the amulet-minder and try to learn their name. And then we bring the amulet-minder here, and have all the elementals come through the door as quickly as possible while hoping no one notices and gets suspicious, and explain what's going on, and get everyone outside, and have the amulet-minder break all the amulets. Is that enough of a plan to be going on with?"

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"Sounds like. Your wings come off?"

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"They have not historically done so, but they can. Who wants to hold the hacksaw?"

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"If it really won't hurt you, I might be able to just - remove them," says Earth.

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"Your definition of hurt is based on pain and not bodily integrity? Yeah, go ahead, try it."

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So Earth goes up to Revelation's back, and studies the joins of his wings, and takes hold of one of them and... peels it off, leaving behind unmarked and unremarkable skin. Then he does the same thing with the other one, a little faster.

"Should I get the tail too or not bother? It's bound to be more easily hidden."
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"Yeah, I'll wear a long coat. Name some long style of coat that makes sense in your world and I can copy it. And some kind of shirt. Let's leave me the tail, I - actually, see if you can remove the tail if I don't let you. It has the same nerve thing but I was letting you with the wings, there's a loophole in my indestructibility for deliberate body modification."

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Earth pulls gently on Cam's tail. This results in... Cam's tail being gently pulled on.

"Apparently not. That's reassuring, although I'm not completely sure whether it's my restrictions or yours at work here. As for clothes - a smallcoat and a semi-frilled shirt?"
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"Frills, joy." Cam materializes the clothes in question. "Okay, that's a little seventeenth century but not too bad. ...Flaw in plan. What language are you even speaking?"

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"I'm just plain speaking, I shouldn't have a translation issue unless something very odd's going on."

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"...Flaw in plan," Earth agrees. "All right. The translation issue means you probably can't ask the amulet-minder for their name without involving Promise, which would be troublesome. But one of us," he gestures between himself and Lightning, "can still go look and see whether or not you would have needed to, and then if you would have we can try thinking of something more complicated. In a pinch you could pretend you're very foreign and that Promise is your recently captured, I don't know, Earth/Shine hybrid? What would they call one of those - Leaf, probably, if they looked like you. And have her translate. Elementals speak all the languages that exist when we coaelsce; it wouldn't be that odd. And you could make a fake amulet without much trouble, I imagine. It'd be a complicated story but it wouldn't have to hold up for longer than it took to find out the amulet-minder's name."

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"Sounds good to me. Are we all set?"

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"I think we're all set."

"I'll hold the door," says Lightning. He opens it. Earth walks through.
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Promise and Revelation stand by to hear about the name of the amulet minder.

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Half a minute ticks by. Earth comes back.

"Kisonde," he says.
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Promise nods. "No one else around?"

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"No. Do you need to see her to make her do things?"

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"No, not if she can hear me."

Promise flutters forward, Revelation following with careful awkward steps.

"Be silent, come here," Promise addresses Kisonde.
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...Kisonde is silent and goes there. She is very confused and alarmed, but she is silent.

In the room where Kisonde was until a moment ago, there is a large rack of hooks with amulets hanging from them on chains. Earth moves past it to duck his head into the room beyond.

"We're all being stolen to be taken away and freed. I absolutely trust the people doing it. Does anyone want to stay behind?"

No one wants to stay behind. No one seriously doubts him about it. They know this Earth; he's been here a while.

"All right. Turn down your halos and follow us. Is anyone out flying right now?" He scans the crowd. "Ice twenty-eight - who knows where Ice twenty-eight is?"

A Shine stands up. "I'll go track her down."

"Everyone else, follow me. Fold your wings and turn down your halos so we're not too eye-catching. Luckily we don't have to go far - just out the front door and around to the side. I'll explain the rest when we get there."
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Meanwhile, Revelation collects all the amulets.

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"Follow me," sighs Promise at Kisonde. "I'm really sorry about this, by the way."

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Kisonde gives Promise an incredulous look, but (of course) follows her.

A parade of elementals troops around the corner of the building and back in by the other door, a journey of no more than twenty steps. Except that when they get there, it isn't the elemental barracks again; it's some kind of bar or something. They are confused. Earth directs them out to the lake area. Just as the last few are making their way out of the barracks, Ice and Shine land and follow the rest.
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"We should probably do this in the yard," says Promise. "Well, elementals in the yard, Kisonde in here? Does that work?"

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"Yes," says Earth.

Kisonde is really alarmed.

Lightning closes the door.

"Check all the amulets first to make sure we've got everybody," he says. "It'd be kiiind of a mess if we had somebody's amulet but they were out flying when we broke it."

"I did that, but we can double-check," says Earth. "Revelation, would you mind bringing the bag out to the yard and reading off all the tags and then bringing it back here?"

Kisonde is so fucking alarmed.
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Revelation brings the amulets to the yard and takes attendance.

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"The plan does not involve harm to you," Promise informs Kisonde, "if me telling you that helps, at all."

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Kisonde makes an eloquently sarcastic face.

There are neither any stray amulets not belonging to an elemental, nor any stray elementals not belonging to an amulet. Everything checks out.
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"Now?" Promise asks Earth.

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"Break all the amulets," Promise tells Kisonde. "And then you can talk again."

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The prohibition on talking does not forbid rude gestures. She makes several, very emphatically, while reaching into the bag with her other hand and scooping out handfuls of amulets.

A red droplet of Fire vents its substance into a wisp of smoke; a gleaming metallic drop of Adamant cracks apart into glittering shards that dissolve immediately; a pearlescent Glass does something similar; Water melts and turns to vapor, Ice shatters and does the same, Shine goes out in a burst of light, Shadow in a burst of dark, and on and on. The empty amulet chains pile up on the floor.

Finally, the last amulet turns to dust.

"What the fuck are you doing," says Kisonde.
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"Freeing large quantities of elementals."

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Cam goes and has a peek at the freed elementals.

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Several of them are playing with magic. The landscape is suffering some damage, but will survive.

One of the Shines, wings visible only by the glow they cast, lands in front of him. "Was that the amulet-minder we all went past on the way in? What did you do to her?"
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"I didn't do it. Short stuff with the leaf wings is a kind of person who can command people to do things if she knows their name. Earth gave her Kisonde's and I'm along for the ride." He shrugs off his interfering garments and reappears his wings.

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"...And what's your deal...?" she asks, but she doesn't stick around to hear the answer, preferring instead to go straight inside and look for Kisonde.

Who has just finished saying: "Yeah, I noticed. I noticed that part. That is definitely something I noticed. I was more asking how, and why, and why me, and in general what the fuck."
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"Oh. I have your name, although I don't expect to use it again. And because as you may have noticed magically enforced servitude is not much fun. And because you were on duty."

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Kisonde splutters.

"Hey you," says Shine.

"Shine! Shine these people are crazy."

"Little bit," Shine agrees. "But I can't argue with the results."

"Aaaargh," says Kisonde. Shine hugs her.
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Revelation comes in. "There is the question of now what. Does Milliways have a wild elemental population for keeps or are they going to somebody's world, not necessarily their own? Is Kisonde in large amounts of administrative trouble that we should attempt to deflect as a courtesy?"

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"Uh, no kidding, I just stole almost fifty elementals! 'It wasn't me' is not gonna be an excuse!"

Shine hugs her some more. "Is there, like, a strong reason you even need to go home...?"

"Well, the other option's staying here with the crazy people..."
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"I can't wholeheartedly recommend my world anyway."

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"Mine's nice, but the balance of power and civilization and so on is pretty thoroughly reliant on the fact that there are only demons in it, and I don't know how to get anybody from here to the places where demons are not the sole species, since elementals - not to mention Kisonde - probably aren't summonable."

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"I can't help feeling like the fact that you've got almost fifty elementals hanging around might help with that," says Kisonde.

"Yeah, I mean, what's the transportation barrier here?" says Shine. "I'm sure we could convince a Shadow to shadewalk some people from A to B if B sounded like a nice place to hang out and contained any shadows to shadewalk to."
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"Normally the only ways between subworlds involve dying or getting summoned, depending on the direction," says Revelation. "But if you want me to hold the door while you try shadewalking from here to - I'm not actually sure where the best place to put you would be. There's options. What do you look for in a habitat?"

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"Lack of humans?" suggests Shine. "Present company excepted." She ruffles Kisonde's hair. "But I have the feeling your humans aren't our humans, anyway, at least not as far as making amulets is concerned..."

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"Yeah, I don't think ours can do that, and even if they theoretically could they won't know how. Okay, lay of the land: I live in Hell. It's a vacuum when it's, well, in its theorized starting state, but it is full of demons, all of whom can make whatever we want to spruce up the place. There is also Heaven, full of cloud fluff and angels who turn the cloud fluff into whatever their little hearts desire. There is Fairyland, which has plants and animals and water features and so on all by itself, which is convenient for the fairies who are only telekinetic. There is Limbo, which is extremely boring - dirt, air, night/day cycle, infinite flatness, dead humans with no magic powers except indestructibility also shared by the aforementioned, and some extremely random material possessions these humans spawn when they die ranging from 'an ocean that doesn't even have any fish in it' through 'a house' to 'their favorite dog'. And there is the mortal world, which has live humans in it, but not everywhere. They only live on two planets and a moon and some space stations. There are other planets to be had if you like them uninhabitable."

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"I have a mortal world too, but I doubt it's the same one as yours because I'm not telekinetic. But I don't know a lot about it."

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"I don't wanna go near your world," says Kisonde to Promise.

"I can't imagine many of the rest of us are gonna be keen on it either," says Shine. "Okay, so... should I go get a Shadow? Your selection of worlds," this addressed to Cam, "sounds pretty cool."
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"I think I want to know where you plan to go and what the plan is if you like it and set up shop. I feel kind of responsible for my selection of worlds. Oh, also, Earth should try taking off my tail again without being let as a test on how dangerous you are to the ostensibly indestructible while un-amuleted."

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"Okay, I'll grab Earth then, I guess." Shine shrugs and ruffles Kisonde's hair again and wanders out to the yard.

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Cam swishes his tail.

"So, you," he says to Promise, "do you like it where you are, and, are you good and proper immortal?"
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"Good and proper immortal, but if someone tried to take my wings off permission wouldn't have anything to do with it. I don't love it. I'd miss sorcery, though, and it doesn't work anywhere else, I've been trying lightmotes to make sure that the rule holds here. I might be able to do something at home eventually..."

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Kisonde eyes Promise warily.

Shine returns, accompanied by the relevant Earth.

"I'm told you want me to pull your tail again?" he says to Cam.
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"Well, not recreationally, but if daeva are still nice and indestructible versus elementals without amulets weighing you down that would influence where I'm interested in letting you go in my world-set."

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"Makes sense," Earth says agreeably.

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"Not because I have strong reason to think you'd go around tail-pulling, just because it'll make daeva even more nervous about a new sapient species moving in next door if they turn out to be vulnerable unexpectedly." He presents Earth with his tail.

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Earth pulls the tail. The tail declines to come off.

"So, there's that question answered," he says.
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"It is. How do you all feel about reolocating to a part of Fairyland that is far away from any concentrated populations of fairies so it'll look like they merely hadn't discovered you yet? Will you be able to find such a place?"

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"Shine mentioned trying a shadewalk - if shadewalking works, so will dark scrying, and there won't be any trouble finding places to any specification you can think of that can be checked visually in the dark," says Earth.

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"Snazzy. And if you find yourself too bewildered by the flora to find food you like right away, you can just use that to pop over to my house for burgers or something, I imagine?"

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"Yes. Assuming a cooperative Shadow, but I should be able to convince at least one."

"Was that you volunteering? I think that was you volunteering," says Shine.

Earth shrugs. "Should I go find a Shadow to test this?"
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"Sounds like a plan."

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Off goes Earth.

Shine hugs Kisonde again, wrapping her in invisible glowing wings.
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Revelation and Promise start talking about the pros and cons of her moving in with him.

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Kisonde is nervous about this!

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Earth comes back with a Shadow, halo turned up to wrap him in dark.

"I'm supposed to try dark scrying something?" he says hesitantly.
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"The idea is I hold the door for you, and you see if you can go from someplace in my house in Hell to someplace nice and uninhabited in Fairyland. I can make you a map and suggest that you go, oh, one billion miles north of its northmost point, if that would help specificity-wise."

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"It would help more if you knew what the place you wanted me to go looked like in the dark," says Shadow. "A map's not nothing, though."

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"Unfortunately I have never been to Fairyland, and I can only conjure up things that I'm designing myself or copying from elsewhere. I could get you a field guide to Fairyland trees, maybe, but the wildlife is probably not totally consistent a billion miles away from the inhabited area."

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"It might still help some," he says. "We'll see."

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And Cam goes to the door and holds it.
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(Promise sneaks past to try a light mote. Nothing. She goes back into the bar.)

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Shadow goes through the door, looking around with timid curiosity.

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It's a cushy house with furniture designed for a winged person.

"Map of inhabited Fairyland," says Cam, producing a folded piece of paper.
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Shadow takes the piece of paper and unfolds it and peers at it.

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It's a big map on a very small scale. There are some countries and big cities marked legibly (though none of the words are in any language Shadow knows) and many more you'd need a magnifying glass to see. There are seas and big lakes and mountain ranges (the mountains look like they are just as inhabited as everything else) and forests. The map is about six feet square.

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All together it's at least a recognizable picture of a landscape.

"Okay," he says. "Can you make it dark here?"
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"Flick that little switch on the wall there," Cam points.

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Shadow turns off the lights.

Then he makes it darker, until he is engulfed in a sphere of shadow in the middle of the room.

"Oh, that's weird..." he murmurs.
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"What's weird?"

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"Your shadow places are different," he says absently. "There's all this between, I'm not used to this much between... I found Fairyland."

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"Awesome. The idea is to get very far away from the fairies so they aren't alarmed at your sudden appearance in downtown Elfame and inclined to slam you into walls or whatever."

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"I wouldn't like it if they did that," Shadow murmurs. "Okay. Wow, Fairyland is big..."

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"It's ostensibly infinite. And they can move pretty fast if they don't like their neighbors. So they sprawl a bit."

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"I'll just go farther away, then."

He is quiet for a minute.
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Cam waits.

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"I don't know how much a billion miles is," he says after about two minutes of looking, "but I found somewhere that's very, very far away, and pretty."

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"Yea much is a foot," says Cam, holding his hands about a foot apart, "five thousand two hundred eighty feet is a mile. That map covers about 800 million square miles."

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"I think I still don't know how much a billion miles is," Shadow says after a moment. "But... let's see... if you shone a bright light from that mountain at the north end of the map, it would take a little more than an hour to reach the south end of the map, and a little more than six to reach the place I found. So I guess I'm more than a billion miles away."

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"Okay, light-hours as unit of distance, sounds like you found a good spot. Can you haul everybody there? I'm not sure if Kisonde's going with you but if the elementals have substantial lack of consensus over desirable habitats I haven't heard it."

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"I think mostly we don't care very much where we go as long as it's not back. But probably we'd like Fairyland. I can bring everybody there, sure. The other Shadow might help. I'm... not sure I can shadewalk a Shine... maybe if they turn their halos down really low it'll work."

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"I definitely have no technical advice for you."

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The ball of darkness unravels. Shadow walks out of it and comes back in the Milliways door.

"Do you have any advice on how to carry someone who glows through a place you can't get to if there's too much light where you are?"
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"Wrap them up in a blanket?" asks Cam, letting the door close.

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"Maybe. It'd have to be a really big blanket. Do you have a blanket big enough to wrap up a Shine?"

"Why are we wrapping me in a blanket?" inquires Shine.

"Shadow walking."

"Oh, that makes sense," Shine says agreeably.
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"I can make arbitrary blankets. Or form-fitting bodysuits out of snazzy light-absorbing black fabric that looks kind of super creepy and scissors to get out of 'em with at your destination, if you like."

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"I'd take a creepy bodysuit, that sounds fun," says Shine.

Shadow looks thoughtful.

"What is it?" says Earth.

"I... um... I'm wondering if you're done rescuing people or not," he murmurs shyly.
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"I have nothing better to do, Hell is kind of short on Meaningful Work."

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"I'm not in a hurry to go home either."

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"Well. I know where to find a Fire who's not warded against dark scrying," says Shadow. "But it probably won't be safe to go get him until nighttime..."

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"You don't know his owner's name?"

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...Shadow blinks at her.

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"If I have a human's name, I can command them to do anything. I don't like doing this, and I'd want to be sure the human wouldn't get hurt following my orders, but that's how I got Kisonde to release you all."

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"...As long as you didn't make him release Fire, probably nothing would happen to him..." says Shadow.

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"Can Kisonde do it, if I make him give over the amulet?"

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"Sure, why not," sighs Kisonde. "I'm not going to get set on fire, right?"

"I got you covered," says Shine, giving Kisonde wingsnugs.

"...okay," says Shadow. "His... his name is Caharas."
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"Then if somebody from your world holds the door and will take me to the place I can do this."

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"I can take you to the place," says Shadow. "I just need a shadow to do it from."

"I'll hold the door," says Earth.
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"If we assume for the moment that Promise and I are willing to live in Milliways for the next five years spending most of our time respectively ordering elemental owners to hand over the amulets and holding the door to Hell, how many of these can we get?"

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"...some," says Shadow. "Maybe a lot. I don't know. I think probably more if we do a lot of them now before people know it's a thing that's happening."

"I think I heard somewhere that the estimated global population of captured elementals was a hundred million," says Earth. "Some of those are going to be hard to reach by shadow walking, but not all of them."
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"And you can search for them with the scrying? Are there any other elementals that do scrying-and-going-places or is that just Shadows?"

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"I don't think there's anything that works the same as shadow walking," says Shadow.

"I can barely scry," says Earth. "Unless the thing you want to find happens to be a plant. I definitely can't do fast transport like Shadow can."

"I can scry like nothing else, but I can't go somewhere near-instantly by magic once I find it," says Shine. "I think only Shadow has something like the shadow places... everyone else has to pass through the physical space in between where they're starting and where they're going somehow or other."
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"Okay. So ideally we don't want it generally known that shadow-walking is instrumental to the process."

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"People will probably guess," says Shadow.

"Unless we get together a big group of free Airs and Air hybrids, and have them swoop down out of the sky with Promise and grab amulets," says Earth. "Enough of them together and it'll be hard for anyone to get caught; and if it's Air, well, Air is the best at flying and the second-best at scrying. It's the closest we could get to shadow walking without a Shadow. It'll make it less obvious that we're using shadow walking some of the time if most of the time we ostentatiously don't."
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"I feel like it's worth mentioning that somebody is going to have to be holding the door at all times, and it's not in a deserted or fortified location."

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"I could illusion it so it looks like it's still closed," muses Shine. "And Air can make things invisible. I bet at least one of the ones you already rescued knows how. So that takes care of casually getting found out at the door end..."

"But not people trying to walk through the door while you're holding it," murmurs Shadow.
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"If somebody turns me invisible I can guard the door. The most nonviolent method is probably drugging anyone who investigates, nice and gentle, night-night, and then shoving them out of the building again. But I can't see invisible things, so if invisible people start poking around..."

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"Air can detect invisible people, too," says Shine. "I think it's harder than making them invisible in the first place, but maybe we've got somebody out there who can do it. Want me to go check?"

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"Yeah. Then me and an Air can repel anybody who shows up, and if they have amulets on them - can we just steal those? If I break the chains and they fall off and somebody picks them up and gives 'em to Kisonde?"

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"Yes," says Earth. "Bound elementals can't pick up amulets, even someone else's amulet, but I think free ones can. And if not, well, you and Kisonde and Promise aren't elementals."

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"Okay then. We're in good shape at least to start out, I think, although I'd like to have at least a few elementals besides the one holding the door sharing guard duty with me at any given time in case something I can't or wouldn't know how to notice starts happening."

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Shine comes back, leading an elemental with wings made of swirling grey-and-black dust.

"This is Dust," she announces. "Air/Stone hybrid. She can do all the invisibility things."

"I can go collect volunteers," says Earth. "Should I? Or do you think me and Dust and Shine will be enough to keep you company while Shadow and Promise go rescue that Fire?"
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"Hi, Dust. This'll probably do for the time being, I doubt if anyone's even noticed Kisonde and the university elementals missing if the time pause thing works like Bar said."

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Earth opens the door.

Shine stands in the doorway for a moment, then steps back.

"Who or what am I supposed to be making invisible?" inquires Dust.
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"Me, I think," says Shadow. "And Promise if it won't do anything to whatever you do with people's names."

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"It won't make a bit of difference. He has to hear me, seeing me is optional."

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Dust nods. She looks at Shadow, who fades into translucency, then absence. Then she looks at Promise, who does the same.

While Promise is mid-fade, Shadow touches her hand. "I have to be touching you to shadow-walk you," he murmurs.

"You are now invisible in air," says Dust. "I'm very good, so smoke and mist and airborne dust will go right through you without a problem, but if someone dumps liquids or solids on you or throws you in a pond you'll make a visible you-shaped space in it."
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"Thanks," says Promise.

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Shadow leads Promise out the door and a step or two to the side, into the shadow of the building. Darkness collects briefly around them.

"Humans find the shadow places really weird," he says. "You might not see anything, but if you do, you can close your eyes if it bothers you."

Then he takes her hand and steps from shadow into darkness. There is a sensation of movement. Time passes. Not a lot of it, but some.
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Promise finds it weird, but not enough to close her eyes against.

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"Caharas," Shadow reminds her. "That's his name."

Then they emerge into ordinary shadow again.

Caharas is presumably the man in front of them, holding a Fire amulet and a whip. Shadow's friend is presumably the one lying on the floor, crying and covered in fire.
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"Drop the whip," Promise tells him. "Be silent. Give me the amulet."

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...Caharas drops the whip and holds out the amulet to the invisible voice. He is confused and alarmed!

Fire is also confused, but much happier about it. Shadow darts forward to take his hand and pull him into the shadow.
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And Promise takes the amulet.

"In fifteen minutes you may speak again," she tells the man.

She squeezes Shadow's hand.
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Darkness engulfs them.

They emerge again beside the open door.

Shadow pulls Fire and Promise through into Milliways.

"There you are," says Dust.

Earth closes the door.

Shadow and Promise fade back into visibility.

Fire hugs Shadow hard enough to lift him right off the ground.

Kisonde nervously holds out her hand to Promise for the amulet.
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And Promise hands it over. She doesn't think she'll have to give an instruction this time.

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Kisonde looks at the weeping Fire, and decides breaking this amulet is probably safe.

She does.

The floor starts to smoke under Fire's feet.

"Pull in your halo," says Shadow, giggling. Fire looks down and snorts. The flames wreathing his skin subside until some parts of him are actually visible through them, and the floor ceases to be imperiled.
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Promise giggles.

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"Hi, welcome to Milliways, it is a multiworld hub, the ultimate plan is to move you through my house to a remote part of Fairyland but for the time being most of the swiped elementals are flying around in the backyard."

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Many of the parts of Fire that are visible are damaged in some way. This does not prevent him from hugging Shadow some more.

"...Hey, you want a heal?" asks Shine.

"Who, me? I'm fine," shrugs Fire.

"You're not fine," mumbles Shadow, almost inaudibly.

"I am now."
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"Short stuff who mugged your owner is Promise, by the way, and she's a fairy."

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"Promise is already a nickname. What's the added value of 'short stuff'?"

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"Amusement. And call me Revelation, because she does her thing with names so I'm not using my real one."

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"...I sure hope elements don't count as names," says Fire.

"They don't," says Earth. "I checked."

"Good for you," says Fire. He finally puts Shadow down and looks around. (Shadow continues hugging him.) "Hi, Revelation. I like your tail."
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"Thanks, I made it myself."

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"How's that work?" asks Fire. (Snuggle snuggle. Nope, Shadow and Fire are not going to stop hugging anytime soon.)

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"I'm a demon. Demons can make stuff, and that includes my wings and tail. And we're indestructible. Earlier Earth detached my wings to see if that counted as hurting me and then tried my tail to see if he could do it without me letting him; it seems like I'm still normal amounts of indestructible relative to elemental stuff."

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"Huh," says Fire, absently petting Shadow's hair. "Can I try setting you on fire to see what happens?"

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"Shine, can I get a heal if it's bad? If it's just a singe like it would be if I touched a hot stove it'll heal fine by itself but if it's nasty I'd rather not wait."

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"Sure, no problem," says Shine.

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Revelation holds his hand out to the Fire. "If you can get past the first couple layers of skin that'll be plenty to prove that you are extra special on fire."

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Fire takes Revelation's hand.

Now Revelation's hand is covered in fire. Lots and lots of fire.
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"Ow. Ow, okay, I don't think you're magically harmful but you're still hot, all done now."

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Fire shrugs and lets go.

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Revelation shakes his hand through the air and it self-repairs. "Okay, I will be careful with elemental handshakes but not paranoid, good to know."

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"I would hate to be you," Fire remarks.

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"Why's that?"

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"You can't get hurt worse than that, right?" he asks, gesturing to Cam's recently singed hand.

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"Not if I'm not deliberately screwing around with myself. If I wanted to saw off my own hand at the wrist nothing's stopping me."

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"I guess that's okay," says Fire.

"You're weird," murmurs Shadow.

"It occurs to me," says Earth, "that there's nothing stopping us from finding the local alt of you two now. Unless she's under a scry ward at the moment."
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"That would be nifty!"

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"Please make sure she knows not to let me hear her name."

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"Okay," says Shadow. "Um... am I just going to be shadewalking into some mage's house by myself? Because that's scary."

"In the interests of not letting Promise hear her name by accident, Revelation could go along," says Earth. "It would leave the door unprotected but hopefully not for very long."
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"I don't suppose we could do something radical like drop a note in her lap first?"

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"If I'm shadewalking to drop a note in her lap I'm still shadewalking into some mage's house by myself," says Shadow.

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"I'll come with you, I'm just saying we don't have to loiter on the first pass."

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"Okay," says Shadow.

"She looks like her," Earth says helpfully, indicating Promise. "Only closer to his height, and human."

"I can find her unless she's warded, then," says Shadow. "Should we go look?"
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To the door again.
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A similar routine ensues, with Revelation and Shadow being made invisible.

"If you see weird things and you don't like it, close your eyes," Shadow advises before he steps into the shadow places and takes Revelation with him.

Then he looks for someone who matches the provided description.
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She's sitting in a bedroom, on a bed, reading a book.

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And now Shadow and Revelation are in the darkest corner of the room.

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And now there is a note tucked behind the next page of her book. Revelation squeezes Shadow's hand in case he doesn't spot it.

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Shadow spots it. He takes them back into the shadow places to ask, "Should we wait here until she reads it? What does it say?"

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"You want a copy or a summary? It should take her about ten minutes to get to that page and read it, then I wanna give her a couple to process it and then go back again."

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"A summary, I guess. Where should we wait? I think I heard something about the bar place pausing time, so I guess not there...?"

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"Well, we could go there and do things that involved at least ten minutes' worth of holding the door, but here is fine. Note explains the alternate universe selves thing, has a quick rundown of me and Promise's features including a warning about her name, repeats the explanation I got about the bar's mechanisms, and says me and a Shadow will be along to pick her up and answer more detailed questions soon, does she want to consult on slash contribute to our exciting projects."

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"Okay. I hope she doesn't try to capture me," says Shadow. "Did the note say anything about all the free elementals...?"

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"I didn't give her enough to go on about that unless it's the sort of thing she could predict from the 'alternate versions of you' thing, which, if it is, you have nothing to worry about."

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Shadow takes a moment to think this through, and then murmurs, "I guess so..."

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"She'll just think you're mine, right? If she couldn't guess otherwise?"

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"Probably yes. It's the obvious thing to assume. That I'm yours or that you're borrowing me from someone or somewhere."

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"So on no account is she liable to try to capture you."

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"I guess not."

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"And if she does I'll steal the amulet and... you know what we should have is walkie-talkies - anyway I'll steal the amulet and figure out how to get back to the door and I will drop it in my black hole, if anything can destroy it that should."

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"You could just give it to Kisonde again," he murmurs. "What's a black hole?"

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"Kisonde would probably have occurred to me once I was done being generally outraged or when I walked past her, whichever. A black hole is - well, I'm not sure how similar our laws of physics are, actually. Is this planet spherical?"

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"Okay, the reason you are pulled down towards the planet instead of floating away, and in fact the reason why planets are spherical, is a force called gravity. Black holes have so much stuff in such a small place that they have stupidly large amounts of gravity and they squish anything they catch. Even light."

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"I wonder if that means they're very bright inside."

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"I... don't think it means that, but I couldn't tell you from personal experience, if I fell into my black hole I couldn't get to the inside of it, I can't squish so it's just like a solid dense thing which happens to be extremely gravitational."

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"I could try dark scrying it. Then I'd know."

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"Sure, go for it. It's under my house."

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Out of curiosity, he tries it right then.

"That's weird. I can find the inside of Milliways from here, which I guess is useful because it means I don't have to keep going in and out of the door, but I can't find any of the parts of your world."
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"Well, you can check it out some other time, then, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that you can't get all the way to my world with your magic."

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"Do you think she read the note yet? Should I check?"

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"Go ahead and check."

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Well, she seems to be looking at the note, but only intermittently. She has set her book aside and is peering around the room from her bed.

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"She's looking at the note and then around and then at the note again," says Shadow. "Should we go there?"

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And now they are there. Still invisible.

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"Hey you. Come up with a usable nickname yet?"

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"Uh. Nothing good. Call me Twist for now. Uh, you're invisible?"

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"Twist it is. We are invisible, but we can stop that if you wanna come hang out someplace less hazardous for me and this Shadow here."

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"Yyyyeah sure I want to hear the rest of the story." She holds out her hand.

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Shadow takes it. Off they go.

They emerge inside of Milliways, next to where Earth is holding the door and Shine and Dust and Kisonde and Promise are standing around.

Dust looks at them. "That's interesting," she says, and Shadow and Revelation fade into visibility.
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"...hi, guys, what's going on?"

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"Aren't you glad they like you?"

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"Have I seen you before?" wonders Dust. "I haven't paying attention."

"To what?" asks Shadow.

"To much of anything."
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"Well, I recognize you, but I don't think I ever worked with you. I'm enrolled in the school that. I'm going to say 'owned' past tense. You. And him and her." She points at Earth and Shine.

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"Hi. Wow, you do look just like me, don't you, only taller and no wings. What are we calling you?"

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"Twist, unless I think of something better."

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"Where did Fire go?" wonders Shadow.

"Outside to burn things," says Shine.

"Oh. That makes sense."
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"So... some elementals found the bar and you guys jailbroke them because you don't have my legal consequences or mortality problems," Maurabel says.

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"Specifically Promise made Kisonde do it, because Kisonde's a human and can do your kinda magic, whereas I can only do demon magic and Promise can only do her fairy things plus sorcery that doesn't work outside her world. And the elementals said they wouldn't hurt Kisonde and in fact did not. You can do the rest of 'em if you want."

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"I'd rather not get caught at it, but if it's in here and all I'm doing is breaking the amulets and not swiping 'em, yes please."

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"Should I be bringing a bunch of elementals to Fairyland at some point?" wonders Shadow.

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"If you want to go see if there's a batch ready to move in there I will happily hold the door for you."

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He goes out to the yard.

Earth says to Maurabel, "Maybe you can provide a new perspective on how to go about stealing large numbers of amulets."
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"There's other universities and that big magic co-op upcountry and what we really need is a copy of the national licensing registry -"

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Cam hands her a copy of the national licensing registry.

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"- thank you, Revelation."

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...Earth laughs.

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"This doesn't have addresses, but it has names and there's separate entries for anybody who has more than five or a hybrid -" She starts flipping through it. "Outside the country I'll be less helpful, though, I don't know if they even have things like this."

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"It might be worth checking," says Earth. "If 'the national licensing registry of such-and-such country' is something Revelation can make if it exists."

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"Go ahead and list me countries, or name me a textbook that has a list, and we'll see what I can do, but vague information like that is sometimes hit or miss."

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"Uh - World Political Geography, published by, what was it, Turnstars Books?"

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"Aaand -" Yep, there is one of it. Revelation starts flipping through it.

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"Hey, you mentioned the bar does translation, but you talked outside of it, too -?"

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"Oh, it was annoying so I got Kisonde to summon me for the language. If you summon a demon they get your languages. We'll need Milliways or Promise's 'just plain speaking' for deciphering the registries of countries that don't share your language, though."

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Shadow returns, trailing miscellaneous elementals.

"A bunch of us want to go see Fairyland," he reports.
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"All right, here you go." Revelation holds the door to his Hellhouse.

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Shadow commences ferrying people to Fairyland. (It turns out he does not need a blanket to transport a Shine, if they turn their halo down as low as possible.)

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And when the batch has all gone, Cam closes the door again. "Where are we hitting first? Also, I want to issue everybody involved nice long-distance walkie-talkies and find out if those work while we're shadow-walking." He tucks one behind his ear and hands one to Promise and offers Shadow one.

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Shadow takes the mysterious object and looks at it. "What's this do?"

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"If you flick this switch, it'll pick up whatever you say and the other people who have them will hear you. So if we get split up or something happens and we need to bail we can know about it."

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He walks into a shadow with it.

"Does the thing work?"
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"Yes! Hurray."

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He walks back out of the shadow. "Well, that's convenient."

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And lo, many millions of elementals were extremely stolen.