Bella's not sure where she has wandered. She thought she was about to walk into a shop, but this appears to be an unattended bar. With none of the windows associated with the shop she thought she was entering. It could be an elaborate psychic assault of some kind, but it doesn't feel very... assault-y... and she was in the middle of a town and doesn't think any humans want to sic their 'mon on her. It's strange. She approaches the bar, looking around warily, hand hovering near her belt.
"I can barely scry," says Earth. "Unless the thing you want to find happens to be a plant. I definitely can't do fast transport like Shadow can."
"I can scry like nothing else, but I can't go somewhere near-instantly by magic once I find it," says Shine. "I think only Shadow has something like the shadow places... everyone else has to pass through the physical space in between where they're starting and where they're going somehow or other."
"Okay. So ideally we don't want it generally known that shadow-walking is instrumental to the process."
"Unless we get together a big group of free Airs and Air hybrids, and have them swoop down out of the sky with Promise and grab amulets," says Earth. "Enough of them together and it'll be hard for anyone to get caught; and if it's Air, well, Air is the best at flying and the second-best at scrying. It's the closest we could get to shadow walking without a Shadow. It'll make it less obvious that we're using shadow walking some of the time if most of the time we ostentatiously don't."
"I feel like it's worth mentioning that somebody is going to have to be holding the door at all times, and it's not in a deserted or fortified location."
"But not people trying to walk through the door while you're holding it," murmurs Shadow.
"If somebody turns me invisible I can guard the door. The most nonviolent method is probably drugging anyone who investigates, nice and gentle, night-night, and then shoving them out of the building again. But I can't see invisible things, so if invisible people start poking around..."
"Yeah. Then me and an Air can repel anybody who shows up, and if they have amulets on them - can we just steal those? If I break the chains and they fall off and somebody picks them up and gives 'em to Kisonde?"
"Okay then. We're in good shape at least to start out, I think, although I'd like to have at least a few elementals besides the one holding the door sharing guard duty with me at any given time in case something I can't or wouldn't know how to notice starts happening."
"This is Dust," she announces. "Air/Stone hybrid. She can do all the invisibility things."
"I can go collect volunteers," says Earth. "Should I? Or do you think me and Dust and Shine will be enough to keep you company while Shadow and Promise go rescue that Fire?"
"Hi, Dust. This'll probably do for the time being, I doubt if anyone's even noticed Kisonde and the university elementals missing if the time pause thing works like Bar said."
"Me, I think," says Shadow. "And Promise if it won't do anything to whatever you do with people's names."
While Promise is mid-fade, Shadow touches her hand. "I have to be touching you to shadow-walk you," he murmurs.
"You are now invisible in air," says Dust. "I'm very good, so smoke and mist and airborne dust will go right through you without a problem, but if someone dumps liquids or solids on you or throws you in a pond you'll make a visible you-shaped space in it."
"Humans find the shadow places really weird," he says. "You might not see anything, but if you do, you can close your eyes if it bothers you."
Then he takes her hand and steps from shadow into darkness. There is a sensation of movement. Time passes. Not a lot of it, but some.
Then they emerge into ordinary shadow again.
Caharas is presumably the man in front of them, holding a Fire amulet and a whip. Shadow's friend is presumably the one lying on the floor, crying and covered in fire.
Fire is also confused, but much happier about it. Shadow darts forward to take his hand and pull him into the shadow.
"In fifteen minutes you may speak again," she tells the man.
She squeezes Shadow's hand.
They emerge again beside the open door.
Shadow pulls Fire and Promise through into Milliways.
"There you are," says Dust.
Earth closes the door.
Shadow and Promise fade back into visibility.
Fire hugs Shadow hard enough to lift him right off the ground.
Kisonde nervously holds out her hand to Promise for the amulet.
And Promise hands it over. She doesn't think she'll have to give an instruction this time.