Bella's not sure where she has wandered. She thought she was about to walk into a shop, but this appears to be an unattended bar. With none of the windows associated with the shop she thought she was entering. It could be an elaborate psychic assault of some kind, but it doesn't feel very... assault-y... and she was in the middle of a town and doesn't think any humans want to sic their 'mon on her. It's strange. She approaches the bar, looking around warily, hand hovering near her belt.
Revelation and Promise start talking about the pros and cons of her moving in with him.
"I'm supposed to try dark scrying something?" he says hesitantly.
"The idea is I hold the door for you, and you see if you can go from someplace in my house in Hell to someplace nice and uninhabited in Fairyland. I can make you a map and suggest that you go, oh, one billion miles north of its northmost point, if that would help specificity-wise."
"It would help more if you knew what the place you wanted me to go looked like in the dark," says Shadow. "A map's not nothing, though."
"Unfortunately I have never been to Fairyland, and I can only conjure up things that I'm designing myself or copying from elsewhere. I could get you a field guide to Fairyland trees, maybe, but the wildlife is probably not totally consistent a billion miles away from the inhabited area."
"Map of inhabited Fairyland," says Cam, producing a folded piece of paper.
It's a big map on a very small scale. There are some countries and big cities marked legibly (though none of the words are in any language Shadow knows) and many more you'd need a magnifying glass to see. There are seas and big lakes and mountain ranges (the mountains look like they are just as inhabited as everything else) and forests. The map is about six feet square.
"Okay," he says. "Can you make it dark here?"
Then he makes it darker, until he is engulfed in a sphere of shadow in the middle of the room.
"Oh, that's weird..." he murmurs.
"Your shadow places are different," he says absently. "There's all this between, I'm not used to this much between... I found Fairyland."
"Awesome. The idea is to get very far away from the fairies so they aren't alarmed at your sudden appearance in downtown Elfame and inclined to slam you into walls or whatever."
"I wouldn't like it if they did that," Shadow murmurs. "Okay. Wow, Fairyland is big..."
"It's ostensibly infinite. And they can move pretty fast if they don't like their neighbors. So they sprawl a bit."