Matilda in Elcenia
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Matilda has better fine control with coloration than either, but her actual drawing skills are even less impressive.


Soon they have a lot of poorly drawn but magical flowers and houses and sheep and geometric shapes.

The lesson ends.

Matilda checks in with Jensal or Ludei about once a week, and attends her witchcraft lessons, and helps Annei and Sarsia develop their ialdae. She is less enthusiastic about her Linnipese friends than she used to be, though. Witchcraft and ialdae are exciting, but she is dissatisfied with the answers they gave her about the state of education for Linnipese boys. She doesn't come up with any major new things to teach ialdae, although she does add a few small ones, like controllable minor special effects and flavoured conjured water.
Annei and Sarsia seem to keep pretty busy practicing what they already know, anyway.

And after three weeks, Jensal meets Matilda at the door and says, "Something bizarre happened to a shren I cured two days ago. I don't even know what to tell his wife."

"What happened?"

"He was fixed, he was flying, and then - something happened to his dragon magic. He could still fly, but he hasn't shapeshifted since, and can't explain what's going on - I'm not sure he can even understand people talking to him. I'll show you."

And here is the bottom of the world, and on it is a gigantic diamond dragon, curled up on the ground. He looks at them when they approach but doesn't say anything.

"...So by 'something happened' you mean it all vanished?" says Matilda, peering at him.


The diamond dragon makes a rumbly noise.

"It would have been nice to be able to get ahold of you when it happened, but I don't know if that's feasible," Jensal says. "We'll figure out something, Virac."

Virac does not react to this reassurance or to his name.
"...I don't think he can understand us," says Matilda. "I think..." She looks back and forth between Virac and Jensal. "It's your magic that knows language and your name, and he doesn't have the magic, so he doesn't have the language or the name. Well, that's no good."

She sits down on the ground and peers up at the dragon.

"What things does dragon magic do, exactly? What are all the magical properties dragons have?"

Jensal also sits on the ground. "Shapeshifting. Firebreathing. Languages, names and songs, the ability to have kids at the time and of the gender we want, group magic - in Virac's case that would be extra flying maneuverability and speed; for other color groups it's other things."

"Okay. What's yours? No, don't tell me, actually, I want to see if I can make my ialdae see it."

She peers at Jensal (understand, understand, understand) and after about three ticks, she says, "Extra shapeshifting?"

"Yep. Five extra slots."


"Okay. I think I can see... where all his dragon magic should be and isn't, and which things should go in which places," she says. "So maybe if I could teach ialdae to do all the things dragon magic does, I could fix it. But I think I want to try language first so I can ask him what he thinks of that."


"That seems like a good place to start," agrees Jensal.


Matilda thinks about language, and magic. She likes languages. They're fun. She likes figuring them out and seeing what they're made of. Dragons (and shrens, when there are shrens) don't learn languages, though, they just know them. And they know Draconic, which is itself magic, and can only be understood with magic.

Matilda has magic. And her magic is pretty good at understanding things sometimes.

She thinks to herself: come on. Come on. Learn Draconic. It's a language, and languages are amazing, and it's magic, and magic is amazing. Learn Draconic. Learn Draconic. Learn Draconic. Learn Draconic. Learn Draconic.

Something goes click, magically speaking. Suddenly every language she's ever heard of is just there.

She inspects the little knot of magic that makes this so, and she looks at the diamond dragon, and she puts one of those right where his language magic goes. Its job is to stay there and give him language. That is what it is for. It knows its job, and it is going to do that job forever and ever.
Virac gives a peculiar full-body shudder. "What."

"It worked?"

"What worked? What happened to me?"

"Spontaneous magic failure. Matilda's just replaced some more of your magic with ialdae to compensate."

"I put your language back first so I could ask you about the rest of it," Matilda explains. "I want to replace it all with ialdae. Do you want me to try that?"

"Are there any other options on the table?" wonders Virac.

"I could call in Ehail, but Matilda is in general much faster with results than Ehail is," says Jensal.

"I don't know exactly how it's all going to work," Matilda warns him. "Sometimes when ialdae learns how to do things, it learns them a little differently from how they were to start. But it usually learns them nicer or easier, like how ialdic lights can make their lights at a distance, and ialdic teleportation doesn't need you to have been to the place."


"Usually?" says Virac.


"Sometimes it also does things like make things sparkle or glow that don't sparkle or glow when you do them with other magic," she says.


"I will tolerate it if I begin to sparkle and glow on occasion," says Virac. "Although if you can omit it I'd prefer that."


"I'll try," she promises. "Okay. Which part do you want me to fix next?"

Virac considers this, then says, "...My name doesn't seem to work anymore."


"Yes, I know that it is my name, my memory is intact, but it no longer - sticks. I would like it back as it was."
"Okay," says Matilda. "I'll do that."

She looks between Virac and Jensal, and contemplates dragon names. This time she will probably not be able to test it on herself first. So she should try really, really hard to properly understand the problem with her magic before she does anything.
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