Matilda in Elcenia
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"Magically speaking, yes," says Jensal, "but we don't yet have the hang of batch ialdic teleporting."

"Okay. It's probably good for you to practice the fixing, though. So I'll bring down the batches and and you can fix them."

Back to Ludei's house they go.

And the rest of Ludei's house is portioned out into batches, and Ludei and Jensal fix them.

"I have time to do the next house, too. I'll bring both of you so you can help," says Matilda.

To the last shren house they go.
And soon there are no more shrens in it.

"There are," says Jensal, "lots of shrens who don't live in houses, because their parents took them home or they moved out as adults, but they'll be harder to assemble in batches. If you've got other demands on your time we can just learn to teleport and handle them in ones and twos ourselves as they trickle in."

"I am doing lots of things," says Matilda. "If you can fix the rest by yourself and don't have to wait for me, then that's good. But I should come back sometimes to see if you need anything and tell you if ialdae learns more things you might want to know about."


"We'd appreciate occasional check-ins," nods Jensal.

"Okay. Bye for now, then."

Matilda goes home. Matilda continues attending witchcraft lessons and being excited about witchcraft.

Her next ialdae lesson with Sarsia and Annei comes around. She shows up for it. "Did you hear that I taught ialdae a new thing?"

"Terali told us that you cured... shrens?" says Sarsia. "I think it was shrens?"


"Yes," she says. "But I don't think I could teach either of you to do it because it takes a lot of ialdae and I don't think you have enough. I can explain how I did it, though."


"Sure, why not," says Annei.


"Dragons all have a specific kind of magic, and shrens have a problem with theirs, like there's a hole in it," she explains. "And the hole is right where the magic that's keeping them alive goes. So the hole pulls strength from their wings to fill up the part that's missing, and they can't fly. And at first I tried pouring ialdae in to help their wings work, and it did, but the hole got bigger and if I'd stopped putting in more ialdae then the strength from her wings wouldn't have been enough to fill it anymore. So I made the ialdae stop going through and just stay in the hole instead, and that worked fine and I could leave it alone and nothing bad happened."


Her students nod along to this explanation.


"I also taught ialdae how to see dragon magic while I was at it. Have you tried having any analyses put on yet?"

"Terali put one on me," says Annei. "To see ialdae. Should she take it off?"

"Same here," says Sarsia.

"Yes," says Matilda. "A wizard analysis can't learn how to do its job better while it's on you, but ialdae can."


Terali takes off the analyses.


"Well? Did it stick?"


Annei blinks. "I think so, yes. Sennah's hair you're bright."


"I have a lot of magic," says Matilda.


"You sure do," says Sarsia, rubbing her eyes.


"So tell me about what you've been practicing. Are you any better at moving things? Have you thought of more things you want to teach ialdae how to do? I got distracted by shrens and didn't find any good things in books."

"I can eat soup with nothing but ialdae now," says Annei. "If I'm paying attention. I might have taught it to keep the soup a good soup temperature in the process but I'm not positive."

"I can turn pages, I can move more directions than up or down when I'm floating myself," reports Sarsia, "I got enough fine control over the color changing that I can draw with it instead of just coloring entire sheets of paper but I'm not artistic particularly."

"Okay! Let's work on colouring and moving things for now, then," Matilda suggests. "And flying. Flying is fun." She levitates.


They also levitate. (Annei spins around in midair.) They get paper. Sarsia shows off her coloring abilities; Annei copies her and is likewise not very artistic.

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