Matilda in Elcenia
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"I think someone should. It isn't fair that there are people who can't go to school."


"They could go to school in other countries, that's allowed," says Terali. "I'm not sure who you'd have to convince to start a school; I don't think I'm a bit cut out for it myself."


"I guess I'll have to find someone, then."


"Anyway. Raha's where she usually is." Terali escorts Matilda down the hall. The anthropologist is there.


"Why are there no schools for boys in Linnip?" she asks the anthropologist. Perhaps the anthropologist knows.


"Principally religious factors, for public and parochial schools. There have been attempts to set up private institutions but they've collapsed for lack of funding or applicants, as far as I know, so people just teach their sons whatever they think they need to know at home," the anthropologist says.


"I think there should be school for everyone everywhere," says Matilda. "Anyone who wants to go to school should get to go to school."


"Lots of different cultures have various approaches to this sort of thing," says the anthropologist. "In some countries there are no public schools at all, just home education and specialist training if you want to be a wizard or a dancer or something like that."


"...But they still have libraries, then, right? Do boys in Linnip get to go to the library by themselves?"


"There's libraries most everywhere," says the anthropologist. "Certainly in Linnip. Boys are allowed to go to libraries and check things out, although most of the time they'd be going with somebody."


"There's not always somebody to take you there, though," says Matilda. "Libraries are important. They can go to the library, right?"


"It's not illegal or anything," puts in Raha. "Why this sudden concern about boys?"


"Because I suddenly learned that there aren't boys' schools in Linnip. If I'd heard about it before I would've been concerned then," she says.

"There are so many things more worth worrying about than boys in Linnip," says Terali. "It's much pleasanter to be a boy in Linnip than a girl in Ryganaav -"

"To be much of anything, in Ryganaav, I'm sure," says Raha.

"Or a dragon in Egeria or a, I don't know, a vampire in Imminthal," Terali concludes. "A Southern elf in Mekand, a Sand Dusk Chanter in Iraam."

"Then I guess I'm going to do something about all of those too once I find out more about them," says Matilda. "But in the meantime, it's still important that boys should be able to learn things."

"And they can go to libraries, and read whatever they want," says Terali.

"Conservatories and some of the military academies will take boys. You could count monk training too, if you stretched the definition a little," says Raha. "Some of them have home tutors, if they're from the right families."

"So I don't need to be doing anything about it right now, like I had to for shren babies," says Matilda. "But I still think there are probably boys in Linnip who would be learning things if it was easier and aren't because it's not, and that's sad, and it should stop."


"We understand," says Raha. "But it's not relevant to learning witchcraft. Unless you're all done learning witchcraft?"

She shakes her head.

And once she gets into it, witchcraft is still exciting.

This is rather relieving to her supervisors.

Good for them.

At the end of her lesson, instead of going home, she goes straight to Jensal's house.

Jensal will answer the door if the bell is rung.


"Hi, Jensal. I have a few more angles to fix shrens in now."


"I've made up a priority list while you were gone. How many people can you take to the bottom of the world at once?"


"A lot, probably. As many as I can fit in a room with me. And it can be a big room."

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