Here ends the Silmarillion; and if it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that was of old the fate of Arda Marred
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"- until when - someone found it, clearly -"


"Year of the Sun seven thousand or so."


That is too long. That is way too long for an Arda to go on Ardaing unsupervised. Hug.


"The me is the most notorious war criminal in history except Morgoth and Thauron themselves."


"Does it get worse than Kib's proph- I can just read it."


"Yes you can and yes it does."


Hug. "Well. I will have to thank the Tesseract at some point for thinking I was boring, huh."


"Yeah. I - I had decided after we found Luster that we probably lost, I guess I just hoped - you should read it -"


"Right now...?"


"Dunno if I should say 'sometime when you won't be inconvenienced by being useless for the rest of the day', that might just be my template."


"Gem will probably have put some sort of warning on it if she expected that." She has her computer on her, she pulls it out. It does not have a warning on it for this.



"Not sure what to make of the adoptee situation...


...he's going to want me to kill him isn't he -"


"I've been trying to think of another way to do it but none of them are great. I have new magic rock powers but I don't expect them to be good enough - Gem could, maybe it'd be easier on her -"


Headshake. "Not as fond of any yous but very different relationship with killing in general - this wouldn't even be the first person I kill who I like - I expected Vár back but still -"


"Then I don't think we have another -"


A choked, bitter laugh -


"Well, if the standard for sufficient death is 'kills Valar' - but I'm not going to ask Cam - there are naturally occurring black holes? -"


"You have successfully reconstructed my line of reasoning there, yeah."


"So there's that. Maybe he can stand to say goodbye to his kids first."


"I don't really know what to do with that part -"


"Me either. I take it you're less optimistic than the fellow Gem was talking to about whether he could conceivably have picked up sufficient skills to - help."


"We only interacted a couple seconds but - fundamentally, I don't think there's anything that'd make life worth living for a me who went through Angband, who everyone hates for horrifying evils he actually committed and who cannot by his existence achieve anything that won't be achieved without him."


"I assume he's not interchangeable with the rest of you to his children."

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