There's something very nostalgic about standing in front of a large audience and walking them through scrolls and then expounding on the principles of magic. She has more to say at this point, though, she's dissected more spells into their component pieces and Olórin's been around for a while now to help explore vast combinatorial explosion. The lecture takes a few hours even with most of the content offloaded into "look it up, it's in the files". And then there is food and mingling for anyone who doesn't have to race off immediately to do important multiverse things!
"Is that 'bleah' like 'yep, your brother is terrible' or like 'I was hoping for something juicier'?"
"He sounds quite terrible!" says Cricket. "I do not hope people are terrible, I am just disappointed over and over."
"I have no idea what's wrong with his sense of humor," she tells Iobel. "I used to think it was grownup stuff but now I'm a grownup so maybe it's just classified stuff."
"Huh. Anyway, you'd want to be a spellbinder if you could? Not everybody likes their spirit animal..."
"Can't disagree with you there. Maybe one day we'll be able to do spirit animal transplants, you could take one somebody didn't want."
"Yeah. Wasn't within the tolerances the evil fluffs were using so she can't be sure it's safe."
"Bet you'll figure it out someday." And she rushes off to chase down the human Tyelcormo, who doesn't mind being called that at all and who Mitros growls at not to hit on her.
(He shoots a betrayed look back. "I didn't even know that Elf stuff was alcoholic -")
"Telars got really drunk at one of these alt meetup things and hit on one of my alts."
"Space, and I think he mumbled something about consent issues - Telars was in fact super drunk - there's nothing in principle wrong with it but on the other hand."
"I suppose in principle it's not any more anything than alts together, but it does seem weirder to me for some reason."
"Anyway, if my brother hits on my alt-sister I'm going to teleport him to the middle of the ocean even if in principle there's nothing wrong with it."
(Telars and Lári have a perfectly pleasant conversation.)
Cricket has not met a Rúmil yet. He goes over to this group and rubs against Boots's leg until she picks him up and listens judgmentally.
"Yeah, ideally while maintaining enough of the internal structure of the kingdom that people aren't flailing in confusion when they need to escalate a complaint or going straight to us with everything."