There's something very nostalgic about standing in front of a large audience and walking them through scrolls and then expounding on the principles of magic. She has more to say at this point, though, she's dissected more spells into their component pieces and Olórin's been around for a while now to help explore vast combinatorial explosion. The lecture takes a few hours even with most of the content offloaded into "look it up, it's in the files". And then there is food and mingling for anyone who doesn't have to race off immediately to do important multiverse things!
"Being a demon would be better but vampires are pretty great and maybe I can eventually be a vampire demon that'd be interesting."
"You know we have no reason to expect it works on Elves?"
"Perhaps more importantly, it's never a good idea to turn children."
"And half-vampires are full grown at seven; that's not the point. Vampires don't just stop physically aging; we also have static personalities and don't mature after turning. And this is an enormous problem if you're a child vampire and you need flawless impulse control to avoid eating everyone you encounter."
"I remind you we don't know if it works on Elves. But you can ask again when you're grown up and my sister can check with precognition. Do you know what the turning process is like, though?"
"I understand. You just don't seem like the type to watch movies for seventy-two hours straight to be stronger and faster and also want to eat everyone you meet; it's hardly guaranteed you'd get witchcraft and Hex indestructibility is better."
"I don't think anyone will deter you on that one."
"Not yet. There's a waiting list and I'm already pretty hard to hurt."
"Waiting is stupid. Has anyone tried wishing for more than six spells a day?"
"Yes; it had to wait for somebody who had a good backup wish in mind in case it didn't work. Which it didn't."
"I think all the Macalaurës are here, you could find ours and finally coordinate the concert that fundraiser's been trying to coax you into putting on together," Gem tells her wife. "Or if he doesn't want to do it one of his alts could impersonate him, that's probably just as good from the audience perspective."
"Shine's didn't murder anyone, and that's sort of tempting, but I guess the thing about alts is that it's different circumstances, not different people, and 'wasn't put in a situation where they'd murder people' is a silly criterion for who I'll hold a concert with -" Maglor?
"Hi! You know how people want you two to do a joint concert?"