There's something very nostalgic about standing in front of a large audience and walking them through scrolls and then expounding on the principles of magic. She has more to say at this point, though, she's dissected more spells into their component pieces and Olórin's been around for a while now to help explore vast combinatorial explosion. The lecture takes a few hours even with most of the content offloaded into "look it up, it's in the files". And then there is food and mingling for anyone who doesn't have to race off immediately to do important multiverse things!
I still can't actually tell if you need this advice or not but for whatever it's worth while Bells can in fact discuss our feelings we also enjoy cultivating narratives of being effortlessly irresistible and as such prefer not to be the initiating parties. Loki's an exception, Boots isn't.
"Hmmmm I am not sure I can hate you for being incoherent," muses Cricket. "Maybe if you did it a lot."
Cricket chuckles and leaps to the floor and trots off to see if anyone else requires rude cat prompting.
"They could probably still use help figuring out what went wrong..."
I had been wondering before Cricket... broached... the subject whether he wasn't interested or was just being an Elf about it and I still can't tell, Kib comments to Island.
Well, perhaps when they're not surrounded by people he will clarify himself.
"Oh no, Lári has abandoned my husband to the horrors of unbuffered crowding," Kib says, "I'd better go rescue him." Off he goes.
"Hi," he is saying to Golden across the room. "I have decided that since I can't be a demon I want to be a vampire."