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Ade moves to Beacon Hills
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And after Allison scores on her team (because unfortunately, Ade was conscripted by Lydia), she approaches her. 

"Hi! I don't think we met yet. I'm Allison, I'm new around here."


"Oh, I think we've met. Just don't tell Jackson."


"You know, you're really good with makeup. Mind sharing your secrets?"


"Sure, we can do one of those things teenage girls do—sleepovers?—and I can teach you stuff."


"Sounds fun. You pick a night that works." 

And they can continue their game.


They can! She continues being athletic in a completely mundane and not-supernatural-at-all way.


After they've done, Allison will walk with her.

"That was pretty good out there. Have you joined any teams yet?" 


"Lacrosse, in my male alter ego."


"Try one for each ego, you obviously have plenty."


"That I do. And speaking of ego..." She looks around just to make sure no one (Scott, in particular) can hear it, and says, "I win."


"...Yeah, you do. Wow, that was- really?" 




"You work fast. Any tips?"


"Well I'm not sure there are any that are generally applicable, but in my case I mentioned my lack of care for the socially approved of time evolution of this sort of thing and said that as far as I was concerned we could either wait until our date on Friday or make out behind the bleachers. He chose the latter. And then after lacrosse we went to my place."


"That probably won't work on Scott, and I do kind of care. Oh well. Good for you, anyway. Are you, uh, sampling the whole population?" 


"Hmm, I haven't had the conversation with Stiles yet, I don't know what his expectations are. I'd say I'm naturally polyamorous but don't have a particularly strong need for any specific relationship mode."


"Polyamorous? Many loving? Useful word for you, I guess." 


"It's a murder of the Greek and Latin languages is what it is, but what it means is not... well, monogamous, really. Like, I don't really have a 'jealousy' setting anywhere in my brain."


"Oh, that's nice. Can you share that around?" 


"Maybe? I could explain how I do it."


"Sure, go ahead." 

The girls make their way back to the locker room to change.


"Well, first, I don't really have any mental architecture for wanting to be 'enough' for whoever I'm with. Like, if I have a friend maybe we're the go-jogging-together type of friends, and maybe they like music I hate so they gave a go-to-shows-together friend, and I don't feel like it's an insult or a slight on my character that there is a certain need they have that I can't fulfill. Same thing goes for romantic attachments, I could be the kinky partner and then they have one go-out-on-dates-with partner."


"So try caring less that you can do everything for someone?" 


"More or less? People need different things, and it's generally unrealistic to want to be everything for someone, we're not—built that way, to be perfect matches like that, so I take that to the extreme, more or less. That's one part of it."


"I know I can't be perfect, but I can try. If he needs to see someone else, we can talk about it, but I don't really want him to."

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