He blinks confusedly at the two girls.
"Oh, huh," he says. "But you're not a unicorn or anything. What are you? I've never seen anything like you before!"
"Oh, awesome!" says Joy. "What kind of not-a-real-dragon are you that lets you do that?"
"Oh. So it's like - huh. I don't think we have anything like that in Equestria," he says. "Different kinds of ponies can have kids with each other, but they don't end up with cool shapeshifting powers, they're just regular ponies of whatever kind."
"...Ponies," says Joy. "Like - people. Regular people who aren't dragons. They have hooves and manes and tails and they walk around on four feet instead of two like me, and have flat teeth instead of sharp like mine, and there's three kinds. Earth ponies are strong and good at doing physical stuff and growing plants, and unicorns have horns that let them do magic, and pegasi have wings that let them fly and do weather stuff."
"And you're a human and you're sort of an elf," he says, indicating Saasnil and Korulen respectively. "Okay... do all the kinds of people around here look mostly like you? I guess you said there's dragons. Is it just dragons and humanish-elfish-people, or are there more different kinds?"
"There are more different kinds. There's merfolk and there's sprites... vampires can turn into bats but the rest of the time they look sort of humanish... there's fairies and pixies that are kind of like sprites... there's leonines, they walk on two legs but they look like lions... there's wolves, but I don't know if they count because they come with riders who look humanish... there's skyfolk and they're bird people," says Saasnil.
"We have griffins in Equestria, and those're sort of lion-bird-people, but I don't think we have separate lion-people and bird-people... well, there's birds and lions, but those can't talk except to people who have the right talent to understand them."
"Well, I can't, but I know somebody who can. I can sort of pretty much tell what some critter is trying to get across if it's simple enough and I'm paying attention, but I don't hear them like they're talking language or anything. Cordy does, and she can talk back to them and be understood too."