"Sure!" he says brightly. "Like what's up with your weird magic, and how do you turn the seasons if it doesn't involve waking up creatures?"
"In Equestria a wizard just means a unicorn who's good at magic. Does your magic come in a bunch of different kinds? Who can do it, if you don't have unicorns? And turning the seasons means, like - actually, never mind the seasons, how do you handle your weather if you don't have pegasi? Do your bird people do weather stuff instead?"
"I guess weather weathers by itself somehow or other in places where there aren't ponies to do it instead, but in civilized places the pegasi manufacture clouds and rainbows and so on and move them around to where they're needed and make sure they behave."
"I dunno. They're rainbows. It'd be weird and sad to have rain with no rainbows. And I think maybe liquid rainbows are an ingredient in some magical potions, but I don't know anything about potionmaking."
"So you don't schedule your rain and stuff? That sounds really inconvenient, what if you're setting up a big important event and you get the wrong weather?"
"Huh. I still feel like having pegasi is better, but I guess it's all in what you're used to."
"Well, worth it to who? Pegasi like doing weather, and if they don't like doing weather they do other stuff and leave the weather to the ones who do like it."
"Well, I guess if your wizards and mages aren't already doing weather then either it isn't worth it to them or nobody's thought of doing it the way we do in Equestria because there aren't pegasi here."