"...Yeah, I can do that. Just - going to need a minute to recover, first. This sort of conjuration takes a lot out of me, but it's worthwhile."
And when Alicia has finished puttering about for a few minutes...
The world goes wibbly again.
DZ-12Q's Emergency Supplies Kit...
- ... Contains any and all supplies necessary to resolve ongoing matters of life or death, 'death' including potential eternal hibernation.
- ... Can only be used with [DZ-12Q]'s permission.
- ... Heals and fixes, rather than harming or destroying, save where the latter is the only option that preserves the life or lives of those using it for its intended purpose.
- ... Contains all relevant instructions for the task.
- ... Will not be separated from [DZ-12Q] except by her true and revocable consent.
- ... Responds to [Apprentice Deskyl] as [DZ-12Q]'s designated response person in the event of [DZ-12Q]'s incapacitation, imprisonment, or otherwise inaccessibility, unless [DZ-12Q] in her full and right mind would want otherwise.
- ... Is a size and weight that is portable by those that need to use it, no matter the circumstances.
"...This one is yours. I don't want to surprise Deskyl if the same process does something she'd - well, be surprised by - in the process of making sure it's hers. And - it's a magic item, it has rules, which I'm assuming you'd like to know?"
She scribbles out the above on her notepad, showing it to DZ until DZ indicates that she's done reading them, before summarily incinerating the notes. And the next few pages, too.
"...Now that I'm thinking about it I probably should have asked you if there were specific things you wanted this to be. I can still do that, if you'd prefer, though I'm not sure this one isn't kind of stuck with you because of that fifth item, which, uh, if you didn't want that, my apologies? Sorry. My brain gets ahead of itself a lot, when there's magic to be done."