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Deskyl and DZ in Azerosa
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"I will ensure that my staff are adequately educated, then - I do rather insist that at least one knows any language we might need to have translated, but that is rather insufficient for longer-term guests.  I do assume you will continue in your duties, generally speaking - but if you would be willing, I imagine that Deskyl will also benefit from a reference sheet if it is written in a language she knows."


"I intend to continue serving master Deskyl as long as she wants me to, yes ma'am. But I'll speak to her about making a translation chart as a backup."


"With that settled...  I believe that exhausts the relevant topics of discussion, unless there is something you wish to revisit?"


"No ma'am, thank you."


She nods.  "Then we should likely both be about our duties."


"Yes ma'am." And off she goes to look for paper and ink.


Her Grace, meanwhile, needs to meet with her grand-niece.


rcvd updt from, re, Deskyl; visit office.

is the horribly terse communique she receives from her great-aunt's messenger.

Certainly it is better that nothing too sensitive be written down where others might see, and she's still working on properly secured communications, but...  Really?

On the other hand, if the Duchess is being this terse...

It bodes.


It is a long few minutes of activating security measures, before she speaks.

"Deskyl has performed a review of the damage she took and determined that it was consistent with a likely forced 'misuse' of this battle meditation technique you mentioned.  I intend to take offense to that, and I believe your father will agree we should.  Talk to me about our transport options, and anything else you think we should know, because I cannot leave a weapon like that in the hands of an Empire like the one Deskyl hails from and still consider myself to have functioning ethics.

"Speaking of which, we should discuss your cover.  You know I know you know what I mean by that, I'm sure."


"I'm sure I couldn't possibly say that there was a story, even if there was.  But - well, you have everything you have in the basement.  Couldn't you...?"


"There are enough people who'd have a need to know of enough of the details, for operational intelligence purposes, that I cannot avoid the question."


"...Then...  The truth, from a certain point of view.  That blade you saw me practicing with has something in common with the basement's light source, and it wouldn't be wrong to say I've dreamed of something like it for a long time.  ...I'm not sure my intelligence is any good, anyway; the question of what's true of Deskyl's universe is quite firmly left open by the nature of my sources, even if I can guess.  ...I can probably get you names to watch out for."


...She's really going to have to speak to Alicia about this, isn't she.  They can't afford to keep dancing around the issue of what she knows and even who she is.  Ciara has made certain assurances, but this is...  She does not like it.  But right now isn't the time for that.  "Yes, please do."


...Right.  Now she just needs to actually produce information she can be confident in.

That might be harder than lightsaber kata.


...Though, come to think of it, she could likely use her lightsaber as a divinatory focus for looking into her past...


Her lightsaber is in her hand as she focuses on oneness with herself and starts reciting.


The Duchess, equally intently, transcribes.


"...I should probably ask Deskyl and DZ about a few things."

...So.  I have some - let's call it questionable - intel that I'm trying to crosscheck by reference to your knowledge of the galaxy.  (...I'm blaming my lightsaber crystal for the oddly specific knowledge I can now, hopefully, check.  I don't think I could explain how that actually happened if you ask, though, so please don't ask me about it.)

Can you tell me any of the following, at your convenience - numbers for organizational purposes:
  1. The current composition of the Dark Council.
  2. The status of a planet by the name of Nathema - which is to say it may or may not be dead, if indeed it presently exists, and that's what needs checking.
  3. If the Empire knows where Dromund Kaas is.
  4. If the current Emperor has a name other than 'Emperor' that people actually know.  And if that name's Vitiate.
  5. The current capital/host planets of:
    • The Empire
    • The Galactic Republic
    • Any other major players in galactic politics that aren't the bleeping Hutts
    • The Jedi Order
    • The Sith Academy
  6. If there is a position known as Emperor's Hand, Wrath, or Voice.
  7. Any Mand'alor'e you know the titles of.
  8. Any Jedi Grandmasters you know the names of, or any otherwise famous Jedi lineages, or ... if there's a whatever the fuck a Barsen'thor is.
...I can, apparently, keep going, but I figure asking too many things at once is just asking for trouble/one to get missed, even though I don't really expect many of these to have answers.

"...I suppose that story suffices."


There's a response from DZ after only a few seconds. 

The Emperor's name is Carnaim rather than Vitiae, ma'am; should I still ask master Deskyl about the rest of your questions?


...Hhhmm.  The "where is everything" questions are probably still useful because even if we know nothing about the current Emperor there should still be some useful information...  but it's probably not worth bothering with the rest.


Yes ma'am. The Sith Empire, Galactic Republic, and Hutt Council are the only galactic powers of their scale; the Dark Council and Sith Academy are located on Korriban, the Jedi are based on Tython and the Galactic Republic is based on Coruscant.



Okay, that settles it, this isn't information from a universe that's ever had you in it.  I don't know if the Dark Council and the Academy have ever been on the same planet, that-universe-ly speaking.  Weird that the Order's on Tython, too, not that I have any real basis to be saying that because obviously I'm reading from the wrong galactic history books - but the last time I heard of a Jedi Order on Tython, during the Republic's existence, the Republic had lost Coruscant.  ...At least I can hope this means you don't have half the galaxy-threatening shit lurking, either.


This is, unfortunately, the nature of intelligence.  Sometimes you get bad data.

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